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Viewing Event Summaries

This section discusses how to view the summary of event instances and failed event handlers.

Page Name

Definition Name


Event Manager - Event Summary Page


View a summary of all the logged event instances in the local database. This is useful for quickly identifying problems, such as researching the cause of failed event-handler executions to determine a resolution.

Event Manager - Failed Handlers Page


View a list failed event handlers across all instances of a selected event and node combination.

Event Manager - Handler Exceptions Page


View the exceptions that failed event handlers produced.

Use the Event Manager - Event Summary page (EOEN_EVENT_SUM) to view a summary of all the logged event instances in the local database.

This is useful for quickly identifying problems, such as researching the cause of failed event-handler executions to determine a resolution.

Image: Event Manager - Event Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event Manager - Event Summary page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Event Manager - Event Summary page

Field or Control



Click to refresh the statistics that the system displays on this page. The option to refresh is useful in production environments in which the raising and processing of events occurs frequently.

Summary Grid

Use this group box to review statistics for every event that has logged instances in the local database. The system displays event instances for only the events that are configured for logging through the Event Registry component in the local database. The system groups the logged event instances by event and node combination.

Field or Control


Event Name

The system displays the name of the event for which the system logged event instances for the event and node combination.

Node Name

The name of the originating node from which the system raised the event instances for the event and node combination.

Event Instances

The number of event instances that the system logged for the event and node combination. This equates to the number of times that the system raised the event.

Handler Executions

The total number of event handlers that the system has executed for the corresponding event and node combination.

Failed Handlers

The total number of event handlers that the system executed for the corresponding event and node combination that returned a failed status. The system displays this number as a link. Click the link to access the Event Manager - Failed Handlers page, where you can view a list of failed event handlers across all instances of the event and node combination. From that page you can view the exceptions that the failed event handlers produced.

Use the Event Manager - Failed Handlers page (EOEN_EVENT_SUM2) to view a list failed event handlers across all instances of a selected event and node combination.

Image: Event Manager - Failed Handlers page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event Manager - Failed Handlers page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Event Manager - Failed Handlers page

The system lists information about each failed event handler. Click the Details button to access the Event Monitor - Handler Exceptions page, where you can view the exceptions that the failed event handlers produced.

Use the Event Monitor - Handler Exceptions page (EOEN_EVENT_MON3) to view the exceptions that failed event handlers produced.

Image: Event Monitor-Handler Exceptions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event Monitor-Handler Exceptions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Event Monitor-Handler Exceptions page

Details for the exception are displayed.