
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z  


  • Accounts
  • acknowledging OVM events 5.18
  • activating and deactivating policies 6.6
  • Add Content 41.2.1
  • adding
    • hosts to PaaS infrastructure 17.2.1
    • middleware pools to chargeback application 36.7
    • Oracle VM Manager, picture of 5.3
  • adding target
  • Administration Dashboard
  • Administration Group feature 2.2.5
  • administrative operations, performing on storage repository 5.10.1
  • APIs
    • error response messages 52.4.9
    • Testing as a Service 67
  • Application Home page, viewing 39.7
  • Application resource model 67.3.1
  • assemblies, cloud setup 5.12
  • assembly
  • Assembly Deployment
    • Deployment Configuration, picture of 9.8.4
    • Instance Details, picture of 9.8.4
    • Network and Agent, picture of 9.8.4
  • assembly instance
    • specifying public and private networks 9.8.4
  • AssemblyInstance, definition of 66.2.3
  • assembly network, definition of 9.8.4
  • assigning
    • users 3.3
    • virtual drives, .iso files 5.12
  • authentication
  • Automatic Storage Management (ASM) 21.1.6, 21.1.7



  • Cache-Control 52.4.5
  • Chargeback
  • Chargeback metrics
  • charge plan
  • charge trends
  • cloning
    • guest virtual machine 9.7.5
  • cloud
    • APIs
      • common behaviors 52.4
    • defining performance policies 6.4
    • definition of 2.3.3
    • infrastructure 5.1
    • installing plug-ins 3.2
    • management
      • faster deployment 2.1
      • provisioning 2.1
      • quality of service 2.1
      • resource elasticity 2.1
    • Oracle Management Agent and Cloud Control 17.2.1
    • policies
      • definition of 6.1
      • monitoring 6.2
      • policy groups 6.8
      • types of 6.1
      • viewing 6.2
      • viewing for a target 6.3
    • resource data models 53.3
  • cloud computing
    • Chargeback
  • Cloud Control
  • Cloud Policy Home page, picture of 6.2
  • Cloud Service Family 17.1
  • Cluster Database Home page
  • collating targets into groups for better manageability 2.2.5
  • common behaviors, cloud APIs 52.4
  • common resource attributes, APIs 52.4.7
  • configuring
    • chargeback 36.7
    • guest virtual machine 9.7.6
    • listener running from same Oracle Home 18.6
    • listener running from SIHA Oracle Home 18.6
    • privilege delegation settings 3.5
    • request settings 36.4
    • self service login page 3.6.1
    • Self Service Portal 7.1
    • Server Load Balancer (SLB) 3.6.3
    • software library user 5.16.3
    • storage servers
    • VLAN groups 5.7.2, 5.7.3
    • YUM repository 5.17.1
  • connecting to Management Agent
  • Consolidation Planner
  • Consolidation Planner, Enterprise Manager 2.2.1
  • Contractual Service Level Agreements (SLAs) 2.2.5
  • cost center
  • Create a New Trial TaaS API example 67.4.26
  • Create a Test Environment Instance TaaS API example 67.4.12
  • Create a Test TaaS API example 67.4.21
  • Create Credential 41.2.1
  • Create Data Source page, picture of 39.3.3
  • Create One Test Driver Instance TaaS API example 67.4.17
  • Create Performance Policy page, picture of 6.4
  • Create Schedule Policy page, picture of 6.5
  • Create Template Upload Files page
  • Create Test Master
    • Live Standby Database 26.4.6
  • Create Virtual Disk Upload Files page
  • Create Zone page 5.15
  • creating
  • creating a cost center
  • creating an extended charge plan
  • creating a universal charge plan
  • credentials
  • Crypto Units
  • currency
  • customized
    • Post-Login page, picture of 3.6.1
    • SSA Login page, picture of 3.6.1
  • customizing
  • CustomParameters resource model 67.3.7
  • custom SSA user role, creating,


  • database
  • Database
    • pluggable database
  • Database as a Service (DBaaS)
  • Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) cloud 2.2.2
  • Database Instance Home page, viewing 27.7
  • Database Pool Home page, viewing 40.8
  • database provisioning profile 2.3.4
  • Database Self Service Portal 27.1
  • Database Service Home page, viewing 27.6
  • Database Software Maintenance 28.1
  • databases software
  • Data Lifecycle Management 24.1
  • data sharing 50.4.5
  • data source
  • DBaaS Use Cases 20.1, 57.1
  • DBCA template profile, creating service template using 21.1.6, 21.1.7
  • default SDK, overriding
  • defining
    • performance policies 6.4
    • policy groups 6.8
    • quotas 36.5
    • request purging policy 5.16.5
    • schedule-based policy 6.5
    • storage QoS 5.16
  • Delete a Stopped Test Driver Instance TaaS API example 67.4.18
  • Delete a Stopped Test Environment Instance TaaS API example 67.4.14
  • Delete a Test TaaS API example 67.4.23
  • Delete a Trial TaaS API example 67.4.28
  • deleting
  • Deploy Application page, picture of 39.3.1
  • deploying
    • an assembly 9.8.4
    • database 18.4
    • ISO image 9.8.6
    • preconfigured Java EE application 39.3.1
    • templates 9.8.5
    • virtual machine
      • infrastructure requirements 9.8.3
      • provisioning 9.8.2
  • deployment
  • Deployment plans
  • discovering
    • Oracle VM Manager 5.3.3
    • Oracle VM Server 5.5
    • virtual servers, illustration of 5.5
  • Discretely Synced Test Master
  • Distributed Power Management (DPM) policies 6.9
  • DRS and DPM policies, creating automated policies 6.9.1
  • Dynamic private networks 41.3.1
  • Dynamic Resource Scheduling (DRS) policies 6.9


  • editing
  • EM_INFRASTRUCTURE_ADMIN privilege 3.1.2
  • EMCLI, setting up 3.1.3
  • enable metric collection
  • Enterprise Manager
    • Incident Management system 2.2.5
  • Enterprise Manager Consolidation Planner 2.2.1
  • Enterprise Manager Store, available functional updates 3.1
  • Enterprise User Security (EUS) 3.4
  • Enterprise user security based authentication 3.4
  • error response messages, APIs 52.4.9
  • Execute an Operation on Test Environment / Driver Instance TaaS API example 67.4.13
  • extended charge plan


  • faster deployment, enabling 2.1
  • file systems, illustration of 5.9
  • Full Clone 25.1
  • Full Clones 24.2


  • general privileges, granting
  • generating reports
  • Get One Test Asset by Context ID TaaS API example 67.4.4
  • Get One Test by Context ID TaaS API example 67.4.20
  • Get One Test Driver by Context ID TaaS API example 67.4.8
  • Get One Test Driver Instance by Context ID TaaS API example 67.4.16
  • Get One Test Environment by Context ID TaaS API example 67.4.6
  • Get One Test Environment Instance by Context ID TaaS API example 67.4.11
  • Get One Trial by Context ID TaaS API example 67.4.25
  • Get Test Driver Type by Context ID TaaS API example 67.4.9
  • granting
  • guest virtual machine
    • cloning 9.7.5
    • creating 9.7.1
    • definition of 9.7.2
    • deploying 9.8
    • deployment options 9.8.2
    • editing 9.7.6
    • enabling high availability 9.8.4
    • infrastructure requirements 9.8.3
    • instances
      • modifying resource configuration parameters 9.8.4
    • prerequisites for creating 9.7.1
    • provisioning using Oracle VM templates 9.8.5
    • provisioning using OVA 9.8.4
    • restarting
    • restricting amount of physical CPU 9.8.4
    • saving as template 9.7.7
    • specifying priority to access physical CPUs 9.8.4
    • starting 9.7.4
    • stopping 9.7.4
  • Guest Virtual Machine Home page 9.7.2



  • Icons
  • Incident Management system 2.2.5
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud 2.2.2
  • Infrastructure as a Service (PaaS)
    • setting up and using 4.2
  • Infrastructure Cloud Home page
  • installing
    • Oracle Management Agents on unmanaged hosts 17.2.1
    • plug-ins 3.2
  • In-Sync Test Master
    • Create Snap Clones 26.4
  • Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) 9.6.2
  • ISO component, creating


  • Java EE component, uploading to Software Library 39.6
  • JavaScript Object Notation 52.4.3


  • List All Applications TaaS API example 67.4.1
  • List All Test Assets TaaS API example 67.4.3
  • List All Test Drivers TaaS API example 67.4.7
  • List All Test Environment Instances TaaS API example 67.4.10, 67.4.15
  • List All Test Environments TaaS API example 67.4.5
  • List All Tests TaaS API example 67.4.19
  • List All Trials TaaS API example 67.4.24
  • logical


  • machine sizes, setting up 5.16.2
  • maintaining virtual servers 9.6.5
  • maintenance mode, virtual servers 9.6.5
  • MANAGE_SELF_UPDATE privileges 3.1.2
  • Management Agent credentials
  • managing
    • storage access privileges
    • storage allocation
    • storage servers, advisory information 18.7.2
    • virtualization targets
      • OVM Manager Home page 9.2
    • zones 9.4.1
  • Maximum Transfer Unit size, setting 5.7.2, 5.7.3
  • metering and chargeback features 2.2.6
  • Metric resource model 67.3.15
  • MetricValue resource model 67.3.16
  • Microsoft Active Directory based authentication 3.4
  • middleware
    • creating middleware home 19.2.2
    • enabling as a service (MWaaS) 19.2, 37.1
    • viewing Middleware Pool Home page 40.11
  • Middleware as a Service (MWaaS)
  • Middleware-as-a-Service (MWaaS) cloud 2.2.2
  • middleware pool
  • Middleware Pool Home page, viewing 40.11
  • middleware provisioning profile 2.3.4
  • Middleware Self Service Portal, purpose of 39.1
  • Middleware Service Home page
  • middleware services
    • Middleware Self Service Portal 39.1
  • modifying configuration of guest virtual machine 9.7.6
  • monitoring cloud policies 6.2
  • MTU field, setting 5.7.2, 5.7.3
  • MWaaS Application Home page, picture of 39.7
  • MWaaS Self Service Portal
  • MWaaS service template, editing 36.6
  • My Oracle Support, Cloud management capabilities 2.2.5


  • named credentials, creating 18.2
  • NetApp hardware licenses
  • NetApp storage server, setting up
  • network bootable (PXE boot) virtual machine 9.8.7
  • NetworkInterface 66.2.7
  • network profile
    • DNS servers 5.8
    • domain name 5.8
    • gateway 5.8
    • Netmask 5.8
    • setting up 5.8
    • specifying IP addresses 5.8
  • network roles
  • networks, setting up 5.7
  • network type, setting up 5.16.1
  • NVRAMRC Value


  • OftAssetScriptCsvDatabanks resource model 67.3.9
  • OFTAssetScript resource model 67.3.8
  • OftDatabaseDatabanks resource model 67.3.11
  • OftPlaybackSettings resource model 67.3.10
  • OftTrialAssetExecution resource model 67.3.20
  • OltAgent resource model 67.3.26
  • OltCounter resource model 67.3.18
  • OltCounterValue resource model 67.3.19
  • OltScenario resource model 67.3.6
  • OltSession resource model 67.3.17
  • OMS
  • OMS Shared File System location,
  • Operation resource model 67.3.23
  • Oracle Access Manager (OAM) SSO 3.4
  • Oracle Cloud
  • Oracle Cloud Compute configuration 51.2.1
  • Oracle Internet Directory (OID) based authentication 3.4
  • Oracle Listener, setting up for database hosts 18.6
  • Oracle Management Service (OMS), routing SSA requests 3.6.3
  • Oracle Solaris 11 Software Update Library
  • Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder (OVAB), packaging multi-tier platforms 2.2.2
  • Oracle VM Manager
    • registering 5.3
  • Oracle VM Network 5.7
  • Oracle VM Server
    • creating virtual server pools 5.14
    • discovering 5.5
    • file systems 5.9
    • patching 5.17
    • storage servers, setting up 5.9
    • virtualization software (hypervisor) 5.5
    • virtual server 5.5
    • virtual server pool 5.14
  • Oracle VM Server for SPARC
  • overriding
  • OVM events, acknowledging 5.18
  • OVM Manager
    • Home page 9.2
    • Home page, picture of 9.2
  • OVM Managers, list of 9.3
  • OVM Manager targets, synchronizing 5.4


  • PaaS infrastructure
  • PaaS Infrastructure Zone 2.3.4
  • parent repository 41.2.1
  • patching, Oracle VM server 5.17
  • performance policies
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
    • service model 2.3.1
    • setting up
      • and using 4.3
  • plug-ins
    • definition of 3.2
    • installing 3.2
  • policies
    • activating and deactivating 6.6
    • defining groups 6.8
    • Distributed Power Management (DPM) 6.9
    • Dynamic Resource Scheduling (DRS) 6.9
    • schedule-based 6.5
    • viewing 8.8
  • policy group
  • PowerBroker 3.5
  • Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) 9.8.7
  • prerequisites
    • assembly binary file
    • configuring YUM repository 5.17.1
    • creating an assembly component
    • creating a zone 5.15
    • creating database provisioning profile 26.4.8
    • creating middleware home 19.2.2
    • creating networks 5.7.4
    • creating PaaS Infrastructure Zone
    • creating PXE bootable guest virtual machines 9.8.7
    • creating repository export 5.12.1
    • provisioning guest virtual machine 9.8.6
    • provisioning guest virtual machines 9.8.3
    • provisioning guest virtual machine using ISO image 9.8.6
    • provisioning guest virtual machine using templates 9.8.5
    • registering storage servers 18.7.3
    • Self Service Portal 7.1
    • Self Update feature 3.1
    • Testing as a Service 49.1
    • virtual server pools 5.14
  • Presented Servers page, picture of 5.11
  • Private networks
  • Private vNets 41.3.1
  • privilege delegation settings, configuring 3.5
  • privilege delegation tools, Sudo and PowerBroker 3.5
  • privileges
  • provisioning
    • credentials, setting up 18.2
    • database instance within PaaS Infrastructure Zone 40.8
    • database software 18.3
    • database using RMAN backup 25.1, 57.7.2, 57.7.1
    • guest virtual machine
    • guest virtual machines 9.8.2
    • guest virtual machine using ISO image 9.8.6
    • guest virtual machine using OVA 9.8.4
    • guest virtual machine using templates
    • profiles, creating 19.2.1
    • virtualized systems 9.8.1
  • Provision Oracle Database deployment procedure 18.4
  • PXE bootable guest virtual machines, creating 9.8.7


  • QoS
    • Priority Class 9.8.4
    • setting up 5.16
    • status on Cluster Database Home page 27.9
  • quality of service, increasing 2.1
  • Query One Application by Context ID TaaS API example 67.4.2
  • quota
  • QuotaUsage Resource resource model 67.3.4


  • redeploying preconfigured Java EE application 39.3.1
  • redirecting SSA requests 3.6.3
  • rediscovering virtual server 5.6
  • Refresh Test Master 26.5.10
  • registering
    • Oracle VM Manager 5.3
    • storage servers
  • Repository-based authentication 3.4
  • Representational State Transfer API 52
  • requesting
    • or reserving servers 8.2
    • server resources 8.1
  • request purging policy, defining 5.16.5
  • request settings
  • resource attributes, APIs 52.4.7
  • resource elasticity, providing 2.1
  • resource models
  • Resource Provider 17.2.2
  • RESTARTING, VM data model 66.2.5
  • restarting guest virtual machine
  • RESTful API 52.1
  • RESTful APIs 52.4
  • RESUMING, VM data model 66.2.5
  • RMAN
  • RMAN backup profile, creating service template using 25.1.5, 25.2.1, 26.4.13, 26.7.2
  • roles
  • roles and privileges, granting 3.3.3


  • sample quota validation log 17.2.4
  • saving
    • guest virtual machine 9.7.7
  • Scalability Group 66.2.4
  • schedule-based policy 6.5
  • schema
    • as a service, creating database pool for 22.2.1
    • as a service, creating service template for 22.6, 22.7
    • defining one or more 40.9
    • requesting 27.3.1
  • Schema Pool Home page, viewing 40.9
  • Schema Service Template, selecting 27.3.1
  • security, Enterprise User Security (EUS) 3.4
  • self service
    • database portal 27.1
    • login page, configuring 3.6.1
  • self service applications
  • Self Service Portal 7.1
    • configuring 7.1
    • defining mapping between roles and other entities 7.1
    • defining set of templates or assemblies 7.1
    • machine sizes 7.1
    • prerequisites 7.1
    • purpose of 3.3, 7.1, 8.1
    • requesting or reserving servers 8.2
    • requesting server resources 8.1
    • setting up Chargeback Plan 7.1
    • viewing storage 8.5
  • self-service users, accessing services without IT intervention 2.4.2
  • Self Update
    • downloading assemblies and templates 5.13
    • prerequisites 3.1
  • server data model 66.2.5
  • Server Load Balancer (SLB), configuring 3.6.3
  • server pool, definition of 2.3.3
  • Server pools
  • servers, requesting or reserving 8.2
  • service instance, deploying preconfigured Java EE application to 39.3.1
  • service template 2.3.4, 53.3.2
  • setting
  • setting up 7.1
    • and using IaaS 4.2
    • and using MWaaS 4.4
    • and using TaaS 4.5
    • Chargeback Plan for Self Service Portal 7.1
    • Chargeback Service 49.2.9
    • listener for database zone hosts 18.6
    • machine sizes 5.16.2
    • MWaaS Self Service Portal 36.1, 38.1
    • NetApp storage server
    • network profile 5.8
    • networks 5.7
    • provisioning credentials 18.2
    • QoS 5.16
    • QoS for network 5.16.1
    • quotas 17.2.4, 36.5
    • Self Service Portal 7.1
    • storage servers 5.9
    • Sun ZFS storage server
    • Testing as a Service 48
    • virtualization infrastructure 5.1
    • virtualized systems 5.1
  • setting up and using PaaS 4.3
  • shared datebase
  • shared resources
    • Chargeback
  • sharing Chargeback data 50.4.5
  • snap clone
  • Snap Clone
  • Snap Clones 24.2
  • Software Library
    • creating virtualization components in
    • uploading files from storage location
    • uploading Java EE component to 39.6
    • user, configuring 5.16.3
  • software pool, definition of 2.3.4
  • SSA requests, redirecting 3.6.3
  • SSA User Portal page, picture of 2.4.2
  • SSA user role, creating custom role,
  • SSO-based authentication 3.4
  • standby database
  • STARTED, VM data model 66.2.5
  • starting
  • STARTING, VM data model 66.2.5
  • Static private networks 41.3.1
  • STOPPED, VM data model 66.2.5
  • stopping
  • STOPPING, VM data model 66.2.5
  • storage agent proxy, customizing
  • storage allocation, managing
  • storage ceiling
  • storage entity, definition of 2.3.3
  • storage pool, definition of 2.3.3
  • storage QoS, defining 5.16
  • Storage Quality of Service (QoS), setting up 5.16
  • storage repository
    • assemblies, illustration of 5.12
    • creating 5.10
    • ISOs 5.12
    • Oracle Virtual Assemblies 5.12
    • Oracle VM templates 5.12
    • performing administrative operations 5.10.1
    • presenting to server pool 5.11
    • virtual disks 5.12
    • Virtual Disks, illustration of 5.12
    • VM files 5.12
    • VM Templates, illustration of 5.12
  • Storage Repository page, picture of 5.10
  • Storage Server page, picture of 5.9
  • storage servers
  • storage vendor SDK, uploading
  • Sudo 3.5
  • Sun ZFS
  • Super Administrator roles, tasks to perform 4.2
  • SUSPENDED, VM data model 66.2.5
  • SUSPENDING, VM data model 66.2.5
  • synchronizing OVM Manager targets 5.4



  • undeploying an application
  • universal charge plan
  • Update a Test TaaS API example 67.4.22
  • Update a Trial TaaS API example 67.4.27
  • updates available, Enterprise Manager Store 3.1
  • updating an extended charge plan
  • upgrading
  • uploading
    • Java EE component to Software Library 39.6
    • storage vendor SDK
  • Upload to Software Library page, picture of 39.6
  • URI Space 52.4.2
  • usage-based
  • usage trends
  • users


  • vDC
  • VIEW_SELF_UPDATE privileges 3.1.2
  • viewing
    • Application Home page 39.7
    • chargeback details 8.6
    • cloud policies 6.2
    • cloud policies for a target 6.3
    • Cluster Database Home page 27.9
    • Database Instance Home page 27.7
    • Database Pool Home page 40.8
    • Database Service Home page 27.6
    • Infrastructure Cloud Home page 9.1
    • MWaaS Self Service Portal 39.1
    • OVM Manager home page 9.2
    • policies 8.8
    • Schema Pool Home page 40.9
    • storage, Self Service Portal 8.5
    • Zone Home page 9.4.1
  • virtual
  • Virtual datacenter See vDC 41.1
  • virtual drives, assigning using .iso files 5.12
  • virtualization
    • infrastructure 5.1
    • infrastructure, setting up 5.1
    • managing targets 9.2
    • software (hypervisor) 5.5
    • targets, viewing members 9.3
    • types, template components
  • virtualization targets, managing members 9.3
  • virtualized systems
  • virtual machine
  • Virtual machines 41.3.1, 41.3.3
  • Virtual Network Interfaces (VNICs) 5.7.1
  • virtual server
  • Virtual Server Home page
  • Virtual Server Pool Home page, picture of 9.5
  • Virtual Server Pool Home page, viewing 9.5
  • virtual server pools
  • VLAN group
  • VNet, definition of 66.2.6
  • vServers
  • vServer type


  • WebLogic Domain Provisioning Profile


  • YUM repository