1 Agent

The Agent target type is a representation of the Oracle Management Agent. The Oracle Management Agent is the Management Agent used by Oracle Enterprise Manager. This target type exposes useful information required to monitor the performance of the Management Agent.

1.1 Agent Certificate Expiration Information

This metric category provides information about the Agent certificate.

1.1.1 CertificateExpirationDate

This metric displays the expiry date of the certificate.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 7 Days

1.1.2 No. of Days for Expiration

This metric displays the number of days before the certificate expires.

Table 1-1 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 7 Days



The Certificate for Agent is going to Expire in %value% days

1.2 Agent Disk Usage

1.2.1 Disk Usage for agent_inst/diag (%)

This metric displays the percentage of total disk space used by the agentStateDir/diag directory.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions


Not Defined

Not Defined

(%) Disk Space Consumed by agentStateDir/diag Directory is %value% (%) of Total Disk Space

1.2.2 Disk Usage for agent_inst/sysman/emd (%)

This metric displays the percentage of total disk space used by the agentStateDir/sysman/emd directory.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions


Not Defined

Not Defined

(%) Disk Space Consumed by agentStateDir/sysman/emd Directory is %value% (%) of Total Disk Space

1.2.3 Disk Usage for agent_inst/sysman/log (%)

This metric displays the percentage of total disk space used by the agentStateDir/sysman/log directory.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions


Not Defined

Not Defined

(%) Disk Space Consumed by agentStateDir/sysman/log Directory is %value% (%) of Total Disk Space

1.3 Agent Process Statistics

The EMD Process Statistics provides information about the performance and resource consumption of the Management Agent process.

1.3.1 Agent Resident Memory Utilization (KB)

This metric displays the amount of resident memory used by the Management Agent and all of its child processes in KB.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

Varies. On UNIX platforms this is derived from the ps command.

User Action

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set higher than what is expected to be necessary in many cases. You may give a lesser value for the warning and critical thresholds based on the number and types of targets that are being monitored by the Management Agent.

1.3.2 Agent Virtual Memory Utilization (KB)

This metric displays the amount of virtual memory used by the Management Agent and all of its child processes in KB.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

Varies. On UNIX platforms this is derived from the ps command.

User Action

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set higher than what is expected to be necessary in many cases. You may give a lesser value for the warning and critical thresholds based on the number and types of targets that are being monitored by the Management Agent.

1.3.3 CPU Usage (%)

The CPU Usage metric provides the CPU consumption as a percentage of CPU time at any given moment in time. The number is a summation of the CPU consumption of the Management Agent process and any of its child processes (and their child processes and so on). Child processes are sometimes created by the Management Agent in the course of evaluating a metric or running a job.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Agent CPU consumption is %value%%%

Data Source

The source for this metric is the UNIX ps command.

User Action

A large CPU consumption will cause the entire system to slow down. The cause could be the Management Agent process itself or any of its child processes. To analyze what is causing the problem, use the Solaris "top" system command and look out for any Perl or Java processes that seem to be consuming excessive CPU (%).

1.3.4 Number Files Open

This metric records the number of files currently opened by the Management Agent process. The file types that constitute this number are: regular files, links, sockets, directories and name pipes.

Table 1-2 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Number files opened by Agent is %value%

Data Source

The source of this information is the UNIX pfiles command. On non-UNIX platforms this will not be collected. On Windows platforms, refer to the File Handles Open metric.

1.3.5 Number Handles Open

This metric records the number of file handles currently opened by the Management Agent process.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

This metric is collected on Windows platforms and is not collected on UNIX platforms. For UNIX, use the "Number Files Open" instead. It is gathered by an agent api.

User Action


1.3.6 Number Threads Created

This metric shows the number of threads currently created by the Management Agent process.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

The source of this metric is the UNIX ps command.

User Action


1.3.7 Process ID

The process ID is the process ID of the Management Agent.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

The source of this is the Perl getppid function.

User Action


1.3.8 Resident Memory Utilization (%)

The Resident Memory Utilization is the physical memory usage as a percentage of total memory available.

Table 1-3 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Agent resident memory utilization is %value%%%

Data Source

The source of this information is the UNIX ps system command.

User Action


1.3.9 Resident Memory Utilization (KB)

This metric represents the amount of physical memory usage by the Management Agent process and all of its child processes in KB.

Table 1-4 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Agent resident memory utilization in KB is %value%

Data Source

The source of this data is the UNIX ps system command.

User Action

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set higher than what is expected to be necessary in many cases. You will probably want to lower the warning and critical thresholds to values that work well for the number and types of targets that are being monitored by the Management Agent.

1.3.10 Schedule Attempts Percentage

This metric indicates the percentage of schedule attempts that were delayed beyond their collection intervals.

Table 1-5 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Schedule Attempts Percentage is %value%%%

Data Source

Not applicable.

User Action

An alert on this column implies that either the collection frequency is too high or that the agent is very busy and cannot keep up with the collection schedule of some metrics. You must modify the collection schedules of the affected metrics.

1.3.11 Virtual Memory Utilization (KB)

The Virtual Memory Utilization (VMU) metric provides a sum of the VMU usage of the Management Agent and all of its child processes (and their child processes and so on). Child processes are sometimes created by the Management Agent in the course of evaluating a metric or running a job.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

The source of this information is the UNIX ps system command.

User Action

Large virtual memory utilization will also slow the system down. On UNIX machines, use the "top" command to see what processes are consuming this memory. Look out for Perl and Java processes as well as the obvious emdaemon process (the Management Agent process itself.)

1.3.12 Virtual Memory Utilization Growth (%)

Virtual memory utilization growth (%) shows the percentage growth of the virtual memory percentage usage of the Management Agent process. For example: if at time t1 (t1 < t2) the usage was a% and at time t2 it was b%, the growth % would be ((b-1)/a)%.

Table 1-6 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Agent Virtual Memory Growth is %value%%%

Data Source

The source of the raw information is the UNIX ps command. From this, we calculate an average over four interval periods and use this as our comparison percentage (that is, how much has the virtual memory usage grown as a percentage of this average.

User Action


1.4 EMD Additional Performance, Resource, Usage Metrics

This metric category provides additional information about the Management Agent's performance, resource, and usage.

1.4.1 Active Job Count

This metric displays the number of active jobs.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.4.2 CPU Load (%)

This metric displays the percentage of CPU load percentage. CPU load represents the average number of processes waiting to be scheduled for CPU resources in the previous minute.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.4.3 Dispatched Actions

This metric displays the number of requests made by the console of the Management Agent. These requests are called dispatched actions.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.4.4 Java Heap Free (MB)

This metric displays the current MB of the Java heap that are free.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.4.5 Java Heap Max

This metric displays the maximum number of megabytes of the Java heap used.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.4.6 Java Heap Min

This metric displays the minimum number of megabytes of the Java heap used.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.4.7 Java Heap Total (MB)

This metric displays the total number of megabytes of the Java heap used.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.4.8 Java Heap Used (MB)

This metric displays the current megabytes of the Java heap in use

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.4.9 Minutes since Out-Of-Memory Agent Restart

This metric displays the number of minutes since the Management Agent restarted due to an out-of-memory exception.

Table 1-7 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every Minute

Not Defined

Not Defined

Agent out of memory restart occurred within %value% minutes

1.5 EMD Performance, Resource, Usage Metrics

This metric category provides information about the Management Agent's performance, resource, and usage.

1.5.1 % of Collection Interval spent in Execution

This metric displays the time the Management Agent spent on average per collection as a percentage of the declared collection interval.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.5.2 % of Java Heap Max Used

This metric displays the maximum percentage of the Java heap used.

Table 1-8 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every Minute

Not Defined

Not Defined

Agent Java Heap Used percentage is %value%

1.5.3 CPU - Used (%)

This metric displays the percentage of CPU used by the Management Agent.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every Minute

Not Defined

Not Defined

Agent CPU % is %value%

1.5.4 Collections scheduled for next hour

This metric displays the number of collections scheduled to run in the next hour.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.5.5 HeartBeat Agent Time (ms)

This metric displays the ping response time to the Management Agent measured in milliseconds.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.5.6 HeartBeat Network Time (ms)

This metric displays the ping response time to the network measured in milliseconds.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.5.7 HeartBeat OMS Time (ms)

This metric displays the ping response time to the Oracle Management Service (OMS) measured in milliseconds.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.5.8 Ping Response (ms)

This metric displays the entire round trip time for each ping response.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.5.9 Transfer time from Agent to OMS (ms)

This metric displays the amount of time (in milliseconds) on average it takes to transfer 1KB of data to the OMS.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.5.10 Upload Agent Time (ms)

This metric displays the amount of time on average its takes to perform the round trip between the Management Agent and loading subsystem

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

1.6 Incident

This metric category provides information about incidents.

1.6.1 Diagnostic Incident

This metric displays a diagnostic incident, which is a single occurrence of a problem (critical error) that occurred in the Management Agent process while using Enterprise Manager.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions


Not Defined


Internal error detected: %adr_problemKey%.

Data Source

Text describing a diagnostic incident is extracted from the database alert log, which is an XML file stored in the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) that stores a chronological list of database messages and errors.

User Action

Diagnostic incidents usually indicate software errors and should be reported to Oracle using the Enterprise Manager Support Workbench.

1.6.2 ECID

The Execution Context ID (ECID) tracks requests as they move through the application server. This information is useful for diagnostic purposes because it can be used to correlate related problems encountered by a single user attempting to accomplish a single task.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

Data Source

The ECID is extracted from the database alert log.

User Action

Diagnostic incidents usually indicate software errors and should be reported to Oracle using the Enterprise Manager Support Workbench. When packaging problems using Support Workbench, the ECID will be used by Support Workbench to correlate and include any additional problems in the package.

1.6.3 Problem Key

This metric displays the alert log ADR problem key.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every Minute

Data Source

The problem key is extracted from the database alert log.

1.7 Response

The Response metric reports on the availability of the Management Agent.

1.7.1 Nmo Setuid Status

This metric is UNIX-specific. The Management Agent checks whether the setuid bit is set on nmo.

For Enterprise Manager 12c (, the Management Agent raises an alert 15 minutes from startup (clear or critical) and thereafter every 30 minutes until the alert is cleared. When the alert is cleared, the Management Agent only raises the alert when the Job fails because nmo is not setuid root.

For all releases earlier than Enterprise Manager 12c (, the Management Agent raises the alert only when the Job fails because nmo is not setuid root. There are no alerts at startup.

Table 1-9 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Foot 115 Minutes after startup

Not Defined


NMO not setuid-root (UNIX only). Run root.sh script to correct this problem. The next OS Command Job submitted will clear this alert.

Footnote 1

For Enterprise Manager 12c ( only

Data Source

Not applicable.

User Action

The setuid bit must be set on nmo.

1.7.2 Status

This metric has a value of 1 if the Management Agent is up and running.

Table 1-10 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

On startup

Not Defined


Not Defined

Data Source

Not applicable.

User Action

If the value of this metric is not 1, the Management Agent is down and contact with the Management Agent will not exist. In such situations, the Management Agent may need to be restarted.

1.8 Upload Statistics

The Upload Statistics metrics present information on the state of the upload manager and its performance.

1.8.1 Number of Files to Upload

This metric shows the number of XML files that are in the $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/upload directory waiting to be uploaded to the repository.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 10 Minutes

Data Source

The source of this information is the Management Agent itself.

User Action

A large number of files in this directory probably indicates that there is a problem uploading files to the repository. Check the emd.trc file for upload errors and act appropriately. The cause may also be a bad network or problems on the repository end.

1.8.2 Size of Files to Upload (MB)

The Size of Files to Upload metric presents the sum of the sizes of all XML files in the upload directory of the Management Agent.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 10 Minutes

Data Source

The source of this information is the Management Agent itself.

User Action

If this metric is large, check the upload directory. If this directory has very few files, it may be they are large. If it has many files, there may be a problem uploading data to the repository. This may be due to a bad network, bad repository or Management Agent. Check the emd.trc file in the log directory for upload error messages.

1.8.3 Upload Rate (KB/sec)

The upload rate is the average rate in KB/sec at which data is uploaded to the repository.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 10 Minutes

Data Source

The source of this information is the Management Agent itself.

User Action

If the rate is zero or close to zero, there may be problems uploading data or collecting data (because if collections stop for some reason, we have nothing to upload). Check the log files for collection and upload messages.

1.9 Upload System Monitor

This metric category provides information about the Upload System Monitor metrics.

1.9.1 Last Time Purge Has Occurred

This metric displays the last time at which the Management Agent had to purge files from the upload system due an issue such as OMS outage, backoff, or slowness.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 10 Minutes

1.9.2 Loader Declared Backoff Expiration

This metric displays the last time that the loader declared a backoff, that is, the agent stops uploading for a period of time. (The OMS indicates when to resume through the backoff expiration time).

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 10 Minutes

1.9.3 Number of Files in the Data Channel Pending Upload

This metric displays the number of files pending upload to the OMS though the Data channel.

Table 1-11 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 10 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Agent metadata channel count is %value%

1.9.4 Number of Files in the Metadata Channel Pending Upload

This metric displays the number of files pending upload to the OMS though the Metadata channel.

Table 1-12 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 10 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Agent metadata channel count is %value%

1.9.5 Number of Files in the On Demand Channel Pending Upload

This metric displays the number of files pending upload to the OMS though the On Demand channel.

Table 1-13 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 10 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Agent metadata channel count is %value%

1.9.6 Number of Files in the Severity Channel Pending Upload

This metric displays the number of files pending upload to the OMS though the Severity channel.

Table 1-14 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 10 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Agent metadata channel count is %value%

1.9.7 Number of Files in the Upload on Fetch Channel Pending Upload

This metric displays the number of files pending upload to the OMS though the Fetch channel.

Table 1-15 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 10 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Agent metadata channel count is %value%

1.9.8 Number of Files Waiting to be Merged

This metric displays the number of files waiting to be merged. Enterprise Manager buffers the files (out-of-the-box and configurable) and merges every 15 minutes to get a larger file to send to the OMS.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 10 Minutes

1.10 User Identification

These metrics provide information about the user running the Management Agent.

1.10.1 Group Name

The name of the group the Management Agent is running under.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 168 Hours

Data Source

The source of this metric is the UNIX id command.

User Action


1.10.2 Location

The Location metric shows the directory home of the Management Agent.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 168 Hours

Data Source

The source of this information is the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.

1.10.3 Other Groups

This metric lists the other groups the Management Agent user belongs to.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 168 Hours

Data Source

The source of this metric is the UNIX "id" command.

User Action


1.10.4 User Name

The User Name metric provides information on the user that started the Management Agent process.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 168 Hours

Data Source

The source of this data is the UNIX id command.

User Action


1.11 User Limit Info

The metrics in the User Limit Info category provide information about the system resources available to the Management Agent.

1.11.1 CoreDump (blocks)

The CoreDump metric shows the maximum size of a core dump file in 512 Kbytes blocks. A value of unlimited means that the only limit is the file system limit.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 168 Hours

Data Source

The source of this information is the UNIX ulimit command.

User Action

This metric shows the maximum size (in 512 Kbyte blocks) of a core dump file. To decrease or increase this limit, use the UNIX ulimit system command.

1.11.2 Data (kbytes)

This metric shows the maximum size of the Management Agent's heap in Kbytes.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 168 Hours

Data Source

The source for this information is the UNIX ulimit system command.

User Action

This metric shows the maximum heap size (in kbytes) made available to the Management Agent. To decrease or increase this limit, use the UNIX ulimit system command.

1.11.3 File (blocks)

The File metric lets you know the size of the largest single file allowed by the system the Management Agent is running on. The unit is 512 Kbyte blocks. A value of "unlimited" means that the limit is the file system limit.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 168 Hours

Data Source

The source for this information is the UNIX ulimit system command.

User Action

This metric shows the maximum file size (in blocks) allowed by the system that the Management Agent is running on. To decrease or increase this limit, use the UNIX ulimit system command.

1.11.4 NoFiles (descriptors)

The NoFiles metric shows the maximum number of file descriptors that the process can have.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 168 Hours

Data Source

The source of this information is the UNIX system call ulimit.

User Action

If this limit is small (compared to the operating system maximum), it can be changed for the Management Agent process.

1.11.5 Stack (kbytes)

This metric displays the maximum size of the Management Agent's stack in Kbytes.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 168 Hours

Data Source

The source for this information is the UNIX ulimit command.

User Action

This metric shows the maximum size (in kbytes) of the Management Agent's stack. To decrease or increase this limit, use the UNIX ulimit system command.

1.11.6 Time (seconds)

The time metric represents, in seconds, the maximum CPU seconds made available to the Management Agent process by the system it is running on. A value of "unlimited" means that the CPU time available to the Management Agent is unrestricted.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 168 Hours

Data Source

This information is obtained using the UNIX ulimit system command.

User Action

This metric shows the maximum CPU time (in seconds) made available to the Management Agent. To decrease or increase this limit, use the UNIX ulimit system command.

1.11.7 Virtual Mem (kbytes)

The Virtual Mem metric shows the maximum virtual memory size that can be occupied by the Management Agent process. If this value is "unlimited" then the only limit is the operating system limit.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 168 Hours

Data Source

The source of this information is the UNIX ulimit system command.

User Action

If the value of the Virtual Mem metric is too high or too low, you can change the restriction on virtual memory use by the Management Agent process using the limit UNIX command.