7.3 Network Datalinks Performance

The metrics in this category provide information about the Network Datalinks performance.

7.3.1 Status

This metric provides the status of the datalink.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.2 State

This metric provides the link state.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.3 Outbound Packets

This metric provides the number of outbound packets.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.4 Outbound Octets Rate

This metric provides the average of the outbound octet rate for this interface.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.5 Outbound Octets

This metric provides the number of outbound octets.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.6 Outbound Multicasts

This metric provides the number of outbound multicasts.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.7 Outbound Multicast Octets

This metric provides the number of outbound multicast octets.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.8 Outbound Errors

This metric provides the number of outbound errors.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.9 Outbound Drops

This metric provides the number of outbound drops since the last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.10 Outbound Dropped Octets

This metric provides the number of outbound dropped octets.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.11 Outbound Broadcasts

This metric provides the number of outbound broadcasts.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.12 Outbound Broadcast Octets

This metric provides the number of outbound broadcast octets.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.13 Inbound Packets

This metric provides the number of inbound packets.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.14 Inbound Octets

This metric provides the number of inbound octets.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.15 Inbound Multicasts

This metric provides the number of inbound multicasts.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.16 Inbound Multicast Octets

This metric provides the number of inbound multicast octets.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.17 Inbound Errors

This metric provides the number of inbound errors.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.18 Inbound Drops

This metric provides the number of inbound drops.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.19 Inbound Dropped Octets

This metric provides the number of inbound dropped octets.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.20 Inbound Broadcasts

This metric provides the number of inbound broadcasts.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.21 Inbound Broadcast Octets

This metric provides the number of inbound broadcast octets.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.22 Collisions

This metric provides the number of collisions.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes

7.3.23 Datalink Name

This metric provides the datalink name.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All versions

Every 15 Minutes