4.5 Determining Default Eth0 IP Address

When an Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine is delivered, the default IP address that is configured for the eth0 (physical NET0 port) interface of the machine might vary. It can be any IP address in the class C subnet


In case of X2-4, X3-4, and X4-4 4 servers, by default, the NET0 port is assigned as eth0, and in case of X5-4 and X6-4 Exalytics servers, by default, the NET0 port is assigned as eth4.

This procedure is used to determine the eth0 IP address if the serial console is set up on the system.

To determine the eth0 IP address:

  1. Connect to the Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) of that machine through Secure Shell (SSH) using the default IP address

  2. To access the host serial console, run the following command:

    -> start /HOST/console

  3. Log in to the ETH0 interface of the operating system on the Exalytics host with the following user name and the default password:

    • User name: root

    • Password: welcome1

  4. To find the IP address attached to the Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine, enter the following command:

    # ifconfig -a

If the serial console is not set up on the system, you can use the remote RKVM connection to login to the host to check the IP address. For more information to login to the host, see Launching a Remote KVM Session.