This image is a screen capture that shows Plan Management is expanded in the Navigation pane. Several plan categories appear, starting with Create Virtual Machines, Install Server, Provision OS, Software Update Deployment / Update, and others. Provision OS is expanded and has two plans: OSP Deployment Plan and default-profile-_SUNWCAT. The first plan is selected. On the right side of the image are the Details, Results, Referrers, Version History and Jobs table for the OSP Deployment Plan. The Details page shows the plan name, version, description, target type, failure policy, date and time created, date and time last modified, the template used, and the number of referrers. A table shows the Deployment Plan Steps. The table headings are: Step, Associated Profile/Deployment Plan, Number of Results, and Assigned Targets. The first step is Provision OS and is using the Oracle Solaris 10 Profile v1. There are no results or assigned targets. The second step is Configure OS and is using the Oracle Solaris 10 Configuring Profile v1. There is 1 result and no assigned targets.