Send Requests

Use the following guidelines when sending requests using the REST API for Oracle Integration Cloud Service on Oracle Public Cloud Machine (ICS on OPCM).

URL Structure

Access the REST resources for ICS on OPCM using the following URL structure:
  • - Host where ICS on OPCM is running.

    The Service URL listed in the welcome email you receive with your trial or purchased subscription contains this host. Here is an example Service URL:

    The host in this case is You use the same host to access the REST API for ICS on OPCM as you do to access ICS on OPCM itself.

    All the examples in this document use as the host for brevity.

  • /icsapis/v1/ - Fixed prefix for ICS on OPCM REST resources. For a complete list of resources, see REST Endpoints.

Common Path Parameters

The following table describes each common path parameter. The path parameters are supported with some API operations, but not all.

This table describes common path parameters in the ICS on OPCM REST API.
Name Description

The code, also called the identifier, is the same as the connection or integration name, but in upper case.


Version numbers are in the format xx.yy.zzzz, where xx is the major version and yy.zzzz is the minor version.

If you don't know the version number, you can try the default version number, which is 01.00.0000.

Integrations having the same code, but a different major version, can be active at the same time.

Common Query Parameters

The following table describes each common query parameter. Pass the parameters in URL-encoded format. The query parameters are supported with some API operations, but not all.

This table describes common query parameters in the ICS on OPCM REST API.
Name Description
{name like 'QUERY'} & {status like 'STATUS'} & {type like 'TYPE'}
  • QUERY is a text query string.

  • STATUS is one of the following:

    • ALL





  • TYPE is one of the following:

    • developed

    • custom

    • prebuilt

Not all endpoints that use this parameter support name, status, and type. Some endpoints support name only or name and status only. If this parameter is omitted, all items are returned. The wild card character is *.
q={name like 'org'} 
q={status like 'INPROGRESS'} 
q={name like 'org'} & {status like 'all'}
Either name or time. If this parameter is omitted, the returned items are sorted by time in descending order.

Supported Methods

You can perform basic CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete) on ICS on OPCM using standard HTTP method requests, as summarized in the following table.

This table describes HTTP methods supported in the ICS on OPCM REST API.
HTTP Method Description
GET Retrieve information about integration states, monitoring, and packaging.
POST Import, activate, or deactivate integrations and retrieve or create lookups.
PUT Import (update) integrations.
DELETE Delete integrations.

Media Types

The following media types are supported by the REST API for ICS on OPCM:

  • application/json

  • application/xml

  • application/octet-stream

  • multipart/form-data

Supported Headers

The REST API for ICS on OPCM supports the following headers that may be passed in the header section of the HTTP request or response.

This table describes HTTP request and response headers supported in the ICS on OPCM REST API.
Header Description Example
Content-Type Media type of the body of the request. Required for POST and PUT requests. Content-Type: application/json
Accept Media type of the body of the response. Accept: application/json