Import (Replace) an Integration



Imports (replaces) an integration with the same name that was exported previously. If you are using cURL, use the -F option to specify the file to import.


Supported Media Types
  • multipart/form-data
Form Parameters
Type: file
Previously exported integration file


Supported Media Types
  • application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • application/xml; charset=UTF-8
200 Response
Successful operation
Root Schema : ICSProjectResource
Type: object
Nested Schema : ICSFileArtifacts
Type: object
Nested Schema : ICSFlowConfigContent
Type: object
Nested Schema : ICSFlowContent
Type: object
Nested Schema : ConnectionItem
Type: object
Nested Schema : trackingVariables
Type: array
Nested Schema : fileArtifacts
Type: array
Nested Schema : ICSFileArtifact
Type: object
Nested Schema : fileByteArray
Type: array
Nested Schema : appInstConnProperties
Type: array
Nested Schema : appInstCredProperties
Type: array
Nested Schema : ApplicationTypeResource
Type: object
Nested Schema : ConnectionProperty
Type: object
Nested Schema : acceptableKeys
Type: array
Nested Schema : Attachment
Type: object
Nested Schema : customProperties
Type: array
Nested Schema : Key
Type: object
Nested Schema : decodedContentBytes
Type: array
Nested Schema : appTypeConnProperties
Type: array
Nested Schema : appTypeCredProperties
Type: array
Nested Schema : VendorInfo
Type: object
Nested Schema : TrackingVariableType
Type: object
Nested Schema : ReferenceType
Type: object
Nested Schema : property
Type: array
Nested Schema : property
Type: array
Nested Schema : PropertyType
Type: object
400 Response
Incomplete or invalid integration
409 Response
Integration already exists