Typical Workflow for Backing Up and Restoring an Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance

To back up and restore an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance, consider this typical workflow.


Except where noted, the table provides one or more links to information about how to perform each task by using the web-browser-based Oracle SOA Cloud Service administration console. For information about using REST endpoints to perform these tasks, see REST API for Oracle SOA Cloud Service

Task Description More Information

Configure automated backups for an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance

Customize the following properties of automated backups for an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance:

  • When automated backups are performed

  • Where backups more than seven days old are stored

  • How long new backups are retained

Configuring Automated Backups for an Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance

Initiate an on-demand backup of an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance

Create a backup immediately without having to wait for the next scheduled backup.

Initiate an On-Demand Backup of an Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance

Delete a backup

Delete a backup that you no longer require to release storage or prevent an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance from being restored from the backup.

Delete a Backup

Restore an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance from a backup

Return an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance to a particular state or recover a service instance after a loss of data.

Restoring an Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance from a Backup

Return an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance to service after restoration from a backup

Modify a restored service instance to return it to the state you require and perform steps to return the service instance to service that Oracle SOA Cloud Service does not automate.

Returning an Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance to Service After Restoration from a Backup

Download a backup

Use a REST endpoint to move a backup from an Oracle Storage Cloud Service container to block storage.

Archive and Download a Backup in REST API for Oracle SOA Cloud Service

Archive a backup

Use a REST endpoint to move a backup from block storage to an Oracle Storage Cloud Service container.

Archive and Download a Backup in REST API for Oracle SOA Cloud Service