Understanding the Impact of Scaling on JMS Transport URLs

When you add (scale out) or remove (scale in) nodes, you must reconfigure the JMS transport URIs in Oracle Service Bus.

The JMS transport in Oracle Service Bus is configured with JMS URIs of the following format:
For example, if you do not reconfigure the JMS URI after scaling in (such as removing the second node in a two-node cluster), sending messages to UDQ results in the following exception:
The invocation resulted in an error: [JMSPool:169803]JNDI lookup of the JMS connection factory weblogic.jms.ConnectionFactory failed: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException: slc07pjl-soaqa-2vm-otd-0616-osb-jcs-wls-2 [Root exception is java.net.UnknownHostException: slc07pjl-soaqa-2vm-otd-0616-osb-jcs-wls-2].