Understanding JVM Heap Size Settings

When you provision an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance and specify a compute shape, the JVM heap size for WebLogic Server and Load Balancer processes is determined automatically.

Default Heap Sizes

The compute shape you select for a WebLogic Server cluster determines the availability of RAM on VMs in this cluster, and the amount of available RAM is used to determine the preset heap size for the JVM processes running on the VMs.

The following table shows the Oracle SOA Cloud Service JVM heap size settings for each compute shape.

Compute Shape Min Heap Size Max Heap Size Configured Garbage Collector


256 MB

10 GB

Garbage First (-XX:+UseG1GC)


256 MB

24 GB

Garbage First (-XX:+UseG1GC)


256 MB

24 GB

Garbage First (-XX:+UseG1GC)


256 MB

24 GB

Garbage First (-XX:+UseG1GC)

Custom Heap Sizes

After provisioning a service instance, you can change the heap size by using the WebLogic Server Administration Console. Refer to one of the following publications:

The heap size is also set when you choose a shape for the load balancer. You cannot change the heap size for the load balancer.