All REST Endpoints

Manage Restore Operations
Restore a service instance, list restore operations, and retrieve the details of a restore operation.
Get Restore Operation Details
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups/{jobId}
List Restore Operation History
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups
Restore from a Backup Point
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups
Manage Servers
View, add, and remove managed servers. Retrieve server operations and status. View clusters and their servers.
Add a Managed Server
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/{clusterName}
Remove a Managed Server
Method: delete
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/{serverName}
View All Managed Servers
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers
View All Server Operations
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history
View Server Operation Status by ID
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history/{id}
View Server Operation Status by Job ID
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history/job/{jobId}
Manage Service Backups
Retrieve, create, archive, delete, or list service backups.
Archive and Download a Backup
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Create a New Service Backup
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups
Delete a Service Backup
Method: delete
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Get a Service Backup
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
List Service Backups
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups
Manage Services
View or delete service instances.
Delete a Service Instance
Method: put
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}
View a Service Instance
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}
Manage the Backup Configuration
View and update the backup configuration.
Update the Backup Configuration
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backupconfig
View the Backup Configuration
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backupconfig
Provision Services
Retrieve provisioned instances and provision new instances.
Get Provisioned Instances
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}
Provision a New Service Instance
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}
Scaling Up or Scaling Down an instance
Scale a Node
Method: put
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/{serverName}
View Service Provisioning Status
View the provisioning status of a service.
Get Service Provisioning Status
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/status/{operation}/job/{jobId}
All Endpoints
Add a Managed Server
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/{clusterName}
Archive and Download a Backup
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Create a New Service Backup
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups
Delete a Service Backup
Method: delete
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Delete a Service Instance
Method: put
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}
Get a Service Backup
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Get Provisioned Instances
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}
Get Restore Operation Details
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups/{jobId}
Get Service Provisioning Status
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/status/{operation}/job/{jobId}
List Restore Operation History
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups
List Service Backups
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups
Provision a New Service Instance
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}
Remove a Managed Server
Method: delete
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/{serverName}
Restore from a Backup Point
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups
Scale a Node
Method: put
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/{serverName}
Update the Backup Configuration
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backupconfig
View a Service Instance
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}
View All Managed Servers
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers
View All Server Operations
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history
View Server Operation Status by ID
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history/{id}
View Server Operation Status by Job ID
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history/job/{jobId}
View the Backup Configuration
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backupconfig
Manage Restore Operations
Restore a service instance, list restore operations, and retrieve the details of a restore operation.
List Restore Operation History
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups
Restore from a Backup Point
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups
Get Restore Operation Details
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups/{jobId}
Manage Servers
View, add, and remove managed servers. Retrieve server operations and status. View clusters and their servers.
View All Managed Servers
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers
View All Server Operations
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history
View Server Operation Status by Job ID
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history/job/{jobId}
View Server Operation Status by ID
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history/{id}
Add a Managed Server
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/{clusterName}
Remove a Managed Server
Method: delete
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/{serverName}
Manage Service Backups
Retrieve, create, archive, delete, or list service backups.
List Service Backups
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups
Create a New Service Backup
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups
Delete a Service Backup
Method: delete
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Get a Service Backup
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Archive and Download a Backup
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Manage Services
View or delete service instances.
View a Service Instance
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}
Delete a Service Instance
Method: put
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}
Manage the Backup Configuration
View and update the backup configuration.
View the Backup Configuration
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backupconfig
Update the Backup Configuration
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backupconfig
Provision Services
Retrieve provisioned instances and provision new instances.
Get Provisioned Instances
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}
Provision a New Service Instance
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}
Scaling Up or Scaling Down an instance
Scale a Node
Method: put
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/{serverName}
View Service Provisioning Status
View the provisioning status of a service.
Get Service Provisioning Status
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/status/{operation}/job/{jobId}
All Endpoints
Get Provisioned Instances
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}
Provision a New Service Instance
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}
Get Service Provisioning Status
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/status/{operation}/job/{jobId}
View a Service Instance
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}
Delete a Service Instance
Method: put
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}
View the Backup Configuration
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backupconfig
Update the Backup Configuration
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backupconfig
List Service Backups
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups
Create a New Service Backup
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups
Delete a Service Backup
Method: delete
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Get a Service Backup
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Archive and Download a Backup
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
List Restore Operation History
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups
Restore from a Backup Point
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups
Get Restore Operation Details
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups/{jobId}
View All Managed Servers
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers
View All Server Operations
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history
View Server Operation Status by Job ID
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history/job/{jobId}
View Server Operation Status by ID
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history/{id}
Add a Managed Server
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/{clusterName}
Remove a Managed Server
Method: delete
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/{serverName}
Scale a Node
Method: put
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/{serverName}
Manage Restore Operations
Restore a service instance, list restore operations, and retrieve the details of a restore operation.
List Restore Operation History
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups
Get Restore Operation Details
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups/{jobId}
Restore from a Backup Point
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups
Manage Servers
View, add, and remove managed servers. Retrieve server operations and status. View clusters and their servers.
Remove a Managed Server
Method: delete
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/{serverName}
View All Managed Servers
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers
View All Server Operations
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history
View Server Operation Status by Job ID
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history/job/{jobId}
View Server Operation Status by ID
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history/{id}
Add a Managed Server
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/{clusterName}
Manage Service Backups
Retrieve, create, archive, delete, or list service backups.
Delete a Service Backup
Method: delete
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
List Service Backups
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups
Get a Service Backup
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Create a New Service Backup
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups
Archive and Download a Backup
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Manage Services
View or delete service instances.
View a Service Instance
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}
Delete a Service Instance
Method: put
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}
Manage the Backup Configuration
View and update the backup configuration.
View the Backup Configuration
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backupconfig
Update the Backup Configuration
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backupconfig
Provision Services
Retrieve provisioned instances and provision new instances.
Get Provisioned Instances
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}
Provision a New Service Instance
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}
Scaling Up or Scaling Down an instance
Scale a Node
Method: put
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/{serverName}
View Service Provisioning Status
View the provisioning status of a service.
Get Service Provisioning Status
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/status/{operation}/job/{jobId}
All Endpoints
Delete a Service Backup
Method: delete
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Remove a Managed Server
Method: delete
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/{serverName}
Get Provisioned Instances
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}
Get Service Provisioning Status
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/status/{operation}/job/{jobId}
View a Service Instance
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}
View the Backup Configuration
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backupconfig
List Service Backups
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups
Get a Service Backup
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
List Restore Operation History
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups
Get Restore Operation Details
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups/{jobId}
View All Managed Servers
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers
View All Server Operations
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history
View Server Operation Status by Job ID
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history/job/{jobId}
View Server Operation Status by ID
Method: get
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/history/{id}
Provision a New Service Instance
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}
Update the Backup Configuration
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backupconfig
Create a New Service Backup
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups
Archive and Download a Backup
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/backups/{backupId}
Restore from a Backup Point
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/restoredbackups
Add a Managed Server
Method: post
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/servers/{clusterName}
Delete a Service Instance
Method: put
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}
Scale a Node
Method: put
Path: /instances/{identityId}/{serviceId}/{serverName}