download instancevnckey

This command enables you to download the private RSA key used for the SSH tunnel to connect the VNC.


oracle-compute download instancevnckey instance_name rsa_file

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
instance_name Name of the instance for which you want to download the VNC key
rsa_file Name of the file to which the RSA key will be downloaded


$ oracle-compute download instancevnckey /mytenant/public/e8faac3a-d4bb-41bd-9e79-e13d8be4d9d0 instance1_rsa.priv

Sample Output

$oracle-compute -u /mytenant/user1 download instancevnckey /mytenant/public/e8faac3a-d4bb-41bd-9e79-e13d8be4d9d0 instance1_rsa.priv

instance1_rsa.priv is saved to the current directory