Accessing Oracle Compute Cloud Service Using the REST API

You can provision and manage Oracle Compute Cloud Service instances and the associated storage and networking resources by using the REST API.

Each REST API call maps to an HTTP request: getting an object (GET), adding an object (POST), updating an object (PUT), and deleting an object (DELETE). The HTTP response code indicates whether the request was successful. Each object for which you can perform the GETPOSTPUT, and DELETE requests is identified uniquely by its URI.

Contact your tenant administrator for the REST API URI and login credentials for authentication.

To access Oracle Compute Cloud Service by using the REST API, you must use the REST endpoint URI provided by your administrator. All requests require authentication, for which you send an authentication request. If the authentication request succeeds, a cookie is returned, which you must include in all future requests. The requesting client must always use the latest cookie it receives.

For more information, see REST API Reference for Oracle Compute Cloud Service.