Workflow for Creating Instances Using Orchestrations

An orchestration defines the attributes and interdependencies of a collection of compute, networking, and storage resources in Oracle Compute Cloud Service. Orchestrations are specified in JSON format and are used to launch the instances in Oracle Compute Cloud Service.


For information on using the Oracle Compute CLI to manage orchestrations, see Managing Orchestrations

To use an orchestration to create instances and mange the resources:

  1. Build your orchestration.

    The web console helps you build your orchestration where you can configure one or more launch plans. Each launch plan can define one or more instances including templates, networks, storage, and other resource requirements. You can save the orchestration as a deployment plan and use it as a template to create other orchestrations quickly. The web console also provides the view of the orchestration in JSON format that you can copy and edit using a text editor.

  2. Start the orchestration immediately or schedule to start and end the orchestration at a specified date and time.

    Starting the orchestration creates the defined objects in the orchestration.

  3. Shut down the orchestration to gracefully shut down all the instances in the orchestration.

    All the resources associated with the instances are preserved.

  4. Restart the shutdown orchestrations to move the instances in to a running state.

  5. Stop the orchestration to delete the defined objects in the orchestration.