Deploy and Customize an Instance

Describes how to deploy and customize an instance using the default machine image.

To clone an instance using an instance snapshot, first create an instance using an appropriate machine image. This instance must use a non-persistent boot volume. When your instance is running, customize your instance as required – such as by adding users, incorporating DevOps procedures to automate installation and configuration of applications once the instance boots up. These changes are stored on your non-persistent boot disk.

  1. Deploy and instance using one of the default machine images. For more information, see Creating Instances Using Orchestrations
  2. Log in to the instance.
  3. Customize the instances to meet your requirements.
    For example, you can do the following:
    • Install RPMs.

    • Define users.

    • Customize the Operating System (kernel parameters, LVM, SElinux).

    • Set up the swap space.

    For setting up the swap space, the default machine images come with a swap of 4 GB. The volume group, VolGroup00, that manages the boot disk (18 GB) contains three logical volumes:
    • LogVol00 for root (11 GB)

    • LogVol01 for swap (4 GB)

    • LogVol02 for the Enterprise Manager agent (2 GB)

    The Volume group has 764 MB of free space that can be used to increase the swap space. If you require more swap space, you can do the following:
    • If you don’t want to use the EM agent auto-deployment feature, re-purpose LogVol02 for swap

    • Create and attach an additional storage volume to be used as swap. This storage volume cannot be part of the machine image and every instance deployment would need a new storage volume.