Creating a Tenant User

A tenant administrator creates tenant users in Oracle Compute Cloud Service on OPCM.

  1. Log in to the UI and go to the Self Service Portal.
  2. In the Self Service Portal, click the Users tab.
  3. To create a user, click Create.
    The Add User window is displayed.
  4. Enter the following information about the user:
    1. Enter a name for the user.
    2. Enter a full name that describes the user.
    3. Enter the password for the user login.


      The password for a user must meet the following requirements:
      • Alphanumeric.

      • At least 6 characters in length.

      • At least 5 unique characters. For example, "azylaz" is not a valid password but "azylmz" is valid. 

      • Can contain underscore and dash.

      • Must not contain a sequence of characters. For example, "abcde1" and "asdfgh" are not valid passwords. 

      • Must not contain a dictionary word.

    4. Enter the email address.
    5. Select the login to be enabled.
  5. To create the user, click Add.

Creating a User Using the CLI or API

Use the following command to create a user:

oracle-compute add user username fullname email [--role] [--password]

For more information, see CLI Reference for Oracle Compute Cloud Service.

To create a user using the API, use the POST method.

For more information, see REST API Reference for Oracle Compute Cloud Service.