Creating a Storage Volume

You can create empty storage volumes and attach them to instances. You can even create storage volumes from existing storage volumes.


You can only run single node Oracle databases on Oracle Compute Cloud Service on OPCM using customer-owned externally connected storage over 10 GbE. The internal block storage of OPCM cannot be used for databases running on Oracle Compute Cloud Service instances.
  1. Log in to the UI and go to the Self Service Portal.
  2. In the Storage tab, click Create.
  3. Enter the name, size (GB), and description for the volume.


    Do not select a template for the storage volume.
  4. Click OK.

Creating a Storage Volume Using the CLI or API

Use the following command to create a storage volume:

oracle-compute add storagevolume name size properties [--description] [--source_storagevolume_name] [--imagelist] [--imagelist_entry] [--tags] [--quota]

For more information, see CLI Reference for Oracle Compute Cloud Service.

To create a storage volume using the API, use the POST method.

For more information, see REST API Reference for Oracle Compute Cloud Service.