SitesSDK.filePicker({options}, callback)

Diese Funktion gibt eine Liste der ausgewählten Dateien zurück.


Name Typ Beschreibung



Optionen, mit denen Sie die zurückzugebenden ausgewählten Dateien angeben.



Callback-Funktion. Wenn Benutzer die Auswahl abbrechen, wird der Callback nie aufgerufen.


// get/set list of assets
SitesSDK.getProperty('componentAssets', callback);
SitesSDK.setProperty('componentAssets', [assets]);  
// invoking list creator
// after calling this, the developer needs to call setProperty against
// 'componentAssets' to persist all currently used assets
// args:
//  fileTypes - list of supported file types
//  multiSelect - single or multiple file select
// returns a list of selected assets. If user cancels out of the picker, 
// the callback is never called
SitesSDK.filePicker({options}, callback);
// example 'componentAssets' JSON returned:
'componentAssets': [{ 
   'name': <nameOfAssetInContentFolder>,    // this is used to uniquely and persistently identify the asset.  It is typically prefixed by the ¿originalName¿ followed by a 16 digit string
   'originalName': <originalName>,          // name of the asset as selected from DOCS
   'description': <description>,            // description/other attributes that are available from DOCS
   'url': <fully qualified url to the asset>