How do I share a file?

Sharing with links

You can email a link to a file or folder, or use a link in an instant message or a document or another app. Sending a link is useful if you need to give access to people on an as-needed basis. The only way the recipient can access the file or folder is by using the link. You can use two kinds of links: public links or member links.

Public Links

This kind of link lets a person use the files in a folder but limits access to any other folders. If you send a public link to a file, the person can access only that one file. Your service administrator can allow or prevent the use of public links for your service and set who can receive those links (anyone or only registered users).

When you create a public link, you add a name to the link so you can track if it was used. You also choose permissions for the link. This determines what the recipient can do with the ink. You can adjust the maximum role used for public links in your preferences, accessed through your web browser. Your service administrator may also limit the roles allowed for public links.

  • Viewer: Viewers can look at files and folders, but can't change things.

  • Downloader: Downloaders can also download files and save them to their own computer.

  • Contributor: Contributors can also modify files, update files, upload new files, and delete files.

When creating a public link, you can choose whether to send the link to Anyone, which means you can send it to people who don’t have an Oracle Documents Cloud Service account. Or you can limit the recipients to All Registered Users, those people who have an account.

You also can set an optional expiration date when the public link will stop working and an access code. Access codes are like passwords for a public link. You can set an access code and the person who gets the link will need to enter the code before the link can be used. This helps you add an additional measure of security on any public link you send. You'll need to send the access code to the person receiving the link so they can use the link.

Member Links

This kind of link requires a person to be a member of the folder and requires the person to sign in to Oracle Documents Cloud Service in order to use the link. When you use a member link, recipients can view the file or folder in Oracle Documents Cloud Service or download a file without viewing it.

Sending a file

You can also send a copy of a file using apps on your device. Tap the More menu icon and then tap Send when you view the file or view your file list. Select the app to use from the displayed list and follow the instructions the app gives you. For example, you may want to send a file using an email app on your device.