How do I edit a file?

If you know you'll be offline soon (for example, if you're boarding a plane and using Airplane Mode), sync the file you’ll edit. Then you can work with it even if you're not connected to the Internet. It's also a good idea to reserve the file before you edit it. That way other people know the file is in use.

If you have the Microsoft Word app installed and you have a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, you can open a document directly from Oracle Documents Cloud Service and edit that document in Word.

  1. In Word, tap Open.

  2. Tap Browse. A list of places is shown.

  3. Choose the Oracle Documents account you want to use from the list.

  4. Find the file you want to edit.

  5. After editing the file, tap Save to save the file back to its original location or tap Save As to save it to a new location, either in the same Oracle Documents account or a different account or location.

You can also edit files using other apps on your device.

  1. Find the file you want to edit. If you're online, you can find files through Browse, Favorites, or Search. When offline, you can choose files you've synced.

  2. Tap the more menu icon and then tap Open With.

  3. Select the app on your device that you'll use to edit the file. The apps that are shown are those that can be used to edit a file of that type.

  4. Edit the file as needed then tap Save As to save the file locally on your device.

  5. When you're online, you can upload the local copy of the file back to Oracle Documents Cloud Service from within the editing app if it has a Send option. Just tap Send and select Oracle Documents as a location.