What can I do with the People option?

The People menu in Oracle Documents let you easily check the status of those people you follow, to see who is online and active, or who is offline. You can quickly start a one-on-one conversation with someone in your list or you can view someone’s profile, letting you quickly find out someone’s area of expertise. When you follow someone, they’re automatically added to your People list.

You can see a person’s activity status in the conversation where the person is a member. The colored circle around a person’s picture indicates the person’s status:

  • A full green circle around the picture shows that the person is signed in and currently using Oracle Documents.

  • A three-quarter yellow circle around the picture shows that the person is signed in but not currently using Oracle Documents.

  • A half gray circle around the person's picture shows that the person is offline and not signed in.

When viewing status in your browser, an animated pencil icon in the lower right corner of a picture shows that the person is entering content in the current conversation.

If you chose to follow some people, the person’s status is also shown under a person’s user name on the People page, accessed by clicking or tapping the people icon in the navigation panel..

When you’re using Oracle Documents conversations, you’ll see people’s pictures and/or names. To view a person’s profile, click or tap the person’s picture then select the person’s name, either in the membership bar of a conversation in your browser or from the People page.

You can follow a person, which lets you easily keep track of a person’s activity status (online or offline, for example). People you follow are listed on your People page. And when you view a person’s profile, you can start or resume a one-on-one conversation with them.