How do I search my files and folders?

You can search through your conversations and files by tapping the Search icon in the navigation panel. You can search for a word in a file or folder name or a word included in a file or conversation. You can also search for any hashtags used in conversations, or for conversation names. For example, if you search for the word report, you'll find Status Report 2013.xls and Report Logo.jpg, as well as Writing Instructions.doc if the word report is in that document or conversation.

You can also narrow your search by using the pulldown menu next to the search header. For example, if you want to search through only your conversations, enter your search term on your Android device then select Conversations from the menu. When using an iOS device, first search for the term then use the pulldown menu to narrow the results.

After your search results are listed, you can use the results like you would normally. You can add files to folders, add posts to conversations, upload files, or share folders with others.

Search tips

  • A search looks through the titles, the content (such as words in a document), file extensions, the name of the person who last modified the file, and the information about an item (like a folder's description). It also checks any metadata associated with the item, conversation messages, hashtags, and people in the conversation.

  • You can filter your search results by clicking or tapping the Results menu. For example, you can view only conversations that match the search criteria, or only the people who match it.

  • There may be a slight time delay to show the newest search results. For example, if you search for the term Report then add another document with the term Report in it, that newest document will be not be returned in search results for a few seconds.

  • Searching is case-insensitive. This means that report will find the same results as Report.

  • You can use the following search operators. The operators are case-insensitive, so NOT is the same as not:

    • not or the dash (-). For example, Report2013,Report2014 -sales returns Report2013 or Report2014, but not items with the keyword sales in them.

    • or or a comma. For example, Report2013 or Report2014 returns the same results as Report2013,Report2014.

    • and or a space. For example, Report2013 and Report2014 returns the same results as Report2013 Report2014.

    The not operator has higher precedence than the others, with and having lowest precedence. For example, a search of Report2013 and Report2014 not Report2014 returns nothing because not is evaluated first.

  • To look for a phrase, use double quotes around the phrase. For example, "United States" returns files with the exact phrase United States in the file.

  • Use parentheses to group complex queries. For example, you can search for States and (not "United States").