What do I do if my device is lost or stolen?

When you use Oracle Documents from a mobile device or the sync client, the information about that access is saved. If you lose your device or it’s taken, you should remove that device from the list of those used to access the service. To remove a device and revoke the access for it:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Documents in a web browser.

  2. Click your user picture.

  3. Click Mobile and Desktop.

  4. Find the device to remove and click Revoke.

Your device's authorization to access Oracle Documents is removed. The next time you or anyone else tries to activate the app on the device, the account is signed out and all local content stored on the device for that account is deleted.

Revoking access for the device affects only one account, so if you're using multiple accounts, you need to revoke access separately for each account to block all access to Oracle Documents and delete all local content stored on the device.