
要将一个或多个附注模板导出到 ZIP 文件:

  1. Narrative Reporting 主页,选择 Notes(附注)以打开 Notes Manager(附注管理器)

  2. 执行以下操作之一:

    • 选择单个 Note Template(附注模板),然后单击 Actions(操作)图标,再选择 Export(导出)

    • 选择多个 Notes Templates(附注模板),然后单击 Gear(齿轮)图标,再选择 Export(导出)

  3. 选择导出文件的目标文件夹。

  4. (可选)要包括与 Note Template(附注模板)相关的所有 Notes(附注),请选择 Include Notes(包括附注)选项

  5. 单击 OK(确定)

    导出流程将在后台运行。在导出完成后,检查 Messages(消息)来查看通知。


    导出后在 My Library(我的库)文件夹中生成 "Export Process Status <date/time>.txt" 文件,其中列出每个 Note Template(附注模板)Note(附注)导出的状态。


    The export process initiated by admin started on Jun 11, 2021 9:13:37 AM and was completed on Jun 11, 2021 9:13:38 AM.

    The details are below.

    Artifact Jan,340000,FY18,Total Entities,TV of type Note was successfully exported.

    Artifact Jan,340000,FY18,Total Entities,DV of type Note was successfully exported.

    Artifact Jan,340000,FY18,Total Entities,AS of type Note was successfully exported.

    Artifact Performance Summary of type Note Template was successfully exported.

    Artifact Jan,340000,FY18,Total Entities,TV of type Note was successfully exported.

    Artifact Jan,340000,FY18,Total Entities,DV of type Note was successfully exported.

    Artifact Jan,340000,FY18,Total Entities,AS of type Note was successfully exported.

    Artifact Variance Summary of type Note Template was successfully exported.

  6. 通过单击导出文件名,将导出文件从 "Library"(库)下载到您的本地文件系统。