
控制器檔案是小型 HTML 頁面,可動態起始剩餘頁面的呈現順序。這是可最先套用自訂項的位置,以影響網站每個頁面的行為。

控制器檔案的主要工作是為控制器 JavaScript 提供和代管執行環境。控制器 JavaScript 隨後便會載入和顯示頁面。控制器檔案中的自訂項可覆寫和影響控制器 JavaScript 的作業。


首次建立 Oracle Content Management 網站時,會在網站與預設控制器檔案 controller.html 之間建立關聯。

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- The following meta tag is used for Internet Explorer browsers. It indicates that the browser should use the latest rendering mode to display
    the web page. -->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

<!-- The following meta tag is used for browsers on mobile devices to set the initial viewport scale to the full page. -->
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1">

<!-- The following script initially defines the SCS object. The SCS object must be present, and this variable name is reserved for use by Oracle Content Management.. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var SCS = { sitePrefix: '/SampleSite/' };

<!-- The following script loads the full controller JavaScript, which is used to display the web page. -->
<script src="/SampleSite/_sitesclouddelivery/renderer/controller.js"></script>

<!-- The body tag of the controller must have the id scsControllerBody. This identifier is used by the Controller JavaScript. If JavaScript is not enabled on the browser, the noscript tag content is displayed.-->
<body id="scsControllerBody"><noscript>This site requires JavaScript to be enabled.</noscript>

<!-- The following image tag displays an animated circle by default if it takes too long for a page to display. The wait image  must have the id scsWaitImage. -->
<img id="scsWaitImage" style="display: none; margin-top: 5%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="data:image/png;base64,..." />