
頁面版面配置編譯器為 NodeJS (CommonJS) JavaScript 模組,它會編譯對應的頁面版面配置。

特定頁面版面配置的頁面版面配置編譯器,是由副檔名為 -compile.js 的名稱關聯所定義。

  • src
    • themes
      • <yourTheme>
        • layouts
          • <yourPageLayout>.html
          • <yourPageLayout>-compile.js

若頁面版面配置沒有 -compile.js 存在,則不會套用自訂編譯。

頁面版面配置編譯器必須實行會傳回承諾的 compile() 介面,例如 about-compile.js

var mustache = require('mustache'); 
var PageCompiler = function () {}; 
PageCompiler.prototype.compile = function (args) { 
    var self = this, 
        layoutMarkup = args.layoutMarkup; 
    self.SCSCompileAPI = args.SCSCompileAPI; 
    return new Promise function (resolve, reject) { 
        var compiledPage = layoutMarkup,  
            id = self.SCSCompileAPI.navigationRoot; 
        // page is compiled so there is no FOUC, can remove the opacity
        compiledPage = compiledPage.replace('opacity: 0;', 'opacity: 1;');
        // remove the dynamic menu creation, we'll be compiling it here  
        compiledPage = compiledPage.replace('<script 
src="_scs_theme_root_/assets/js/topnav.js"></script>', ''); 

        // add link to Home page. . . 
        var homePageURL = (self.SCSCompileAPI.getPageLinkData(id) || 
        if (homePageURL) { 
            compiledPage = compiledPage.replace('class="navbar-brand"   
href="#"', 'class="navbar-brand" href="' + homePageURL + '"'); 

        // build the menu and add it to the page 
        var navMenu = self.createNavMenu(); 
        compiledPage = compiledPage.replace('<!-- navigation menu goes in 
here -->', navMenu); 

        // return the compiled page 

// Create the navigation menu that was previously dynamically generated on 
each page 
PageCompiler.prototype.createNavMenu = function () { 
. . .

module.exports = new PageCompiler();