EPM Cloud 維度與 Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud 應用程式同步

此範例案例探討如何在 Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud 應用程式與 Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud 應用程式之間同步維度。


  • EPM Cloud 應用程式匯出中繼資料 (維度)
  • 將包含維度資料的匯出檔案複製到 Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud 環境
  • 將維度中繼資料匯入至 Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud 應用程式

若要在 EPM Cloud 應用程式與 Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud 應用程式之間同步維度,請執行下列動作:

  1. 複製下列指令碼以建立 Windows 指令碼檔案:
    rem Integration example to sync an application dimension between EPM Cloud and EDM
    rem Windows script for demonstration purposes only; do not use in production environments
    set EDMUSER=userid
    set EDMSVR=https://hostname
    set EDMPWDFILE=example_EDM.epw
    set EDMAPP=appname
    set EDMDIM=dimname
    set EPMUSER=userid
    set EPMSVR=https://hostname
    set PWDFILE=example_epm.epw
    set EPMEXPJOB=exportjobname
    rem Synchronizing EPM ---> EDM
    rem Export Metadata from EPM
    call epmautomate login %EPMUSER% %PWDFILE% %EPMSVR%
    call epmautomate exportmetadata %EPMEXPJOB%
    call epmautomate logout
    rem Import Dimension to EDM
    rem Log into the EDM environment
    call epmautomate login %EDMUSER% %EDMPWDFILE% %EDMSVR%
    rem Copy exported metadata file into the EDM environment
    call epmautomate copyfilefrominstance %EPMEXPJOB%.zip %EPMUSER% %PWDFILE% %EPMSVR% %EPMEXPJOB%.zip
    call epmautomate importdimension %EDMAPP% %EDMDIM% ReplaceNodes %EPMEXPJOB%.zip
    call epmautomate logout


  2. 手動執行指令碼,或視需要排定其執行。請參閱自動執行指令碼