
Describes the command-line interface.


The usage of the tadm command-line utility is as follows:

  • tadm --version|-V

    Displays the version of the CLI.

  • tadm --help|-?

    Displays this page in text format.

  • tadm help|-?

    Displays this page in text format.

  • tadm --user|-u admin-user [--password-file|-w] [admin-passwd-file] [--host|-h admin-host] [--port|-p admin-port] [[--rcfile|-R rcfile] launches tadm in shell mode.

  • tadm subcommand --help

    Displays help for the specified subcommand.

    tadm subcommand options

    Displays the usage syntax for the specified subcommand.

Syntax Notations

The following conventions are used in this document to show the syntax for command-line options:
  • Plain text: Type the text as is.
    Example: option

  • Italicized text: Placeholder for the value of an option or operand. When running CLI commands, you should substitute such placeholders with appropriate values.
    Example: parameter

  • Text in square brackets: Optional argument.
    Example: [argument]

  • Asterisk (*) after text in square brackets: Optional argument; you can specify multiple instances.
    Example: [argument]*

  • Plus symbol (+) after text: Mandatory argument; you can specify multiple instances.
    Example: [argument]+

  • Vertical bar symbol (|) between text: Optional values: specify one of them.
    Example: opt1|opt2


The command-line interface (CLI) enables you to configure and administer Oracle Traffic Director. Use the command-line tool tadm to execute the administration commands.

You can invoke tadm in standalone mode, shell mode, or file mode.

  • Standalone mode – In standalone mode, you can directly invoke the CLI specifying the desired command, options, and operands. On completion of a command, the CLI returns to the shell.


  • Shell mode — In the shell mode, you can invoke the CLI from a shell that is embedded within tadm. On completion of the command, the CLI returns to the shell. You can exit the shell by typing exit or quit. To enter the Shell mode, user, password, and port options are mandatory. If the port details are not specified, the default port is used. The default port number is 8989.



    $ tadm --user=admin --port=8081 --password-file=./admin.passwd

    Oracle Traffic Director B07/17/2011 20:35

    tadm> list-configs


  • File mode — In the file mode, you can create a plain text containing a list of valid commands. The file mode accepts user and password-file when you invoke tadm.



    $ cat sample.tcl

    set tadm::command false

    set x [list-configs]

    puts $x

    $ tadm --user=admin --password-file=./admin.passwd --commands-file=sample.tcl


tadm Variables

You can also set the following tadm variables to modify the overall behavior of tadm:

  • tadm::command: (Applicable only in file mode.) Enables you to output all commands to stdout and stderr. If this variable is set to true, exceptions do not stop the execution of commands, rather, they are printed in the stdout and the next command is executed. You can set this variable in the commands-file.


    $ cat commands.tcl

    set tadm::command true

    set x [list-configs]

    puts $x

    In this example, commands.tcl is the name of the file which contains a list of valid commands.


  • tadm::savehist: (Applicable only in the shell mode.) If set to true, all tadm commands that you execute are saved in the tadm::histfile file. The tadm::histfile is saved in your home directory. You can set this variable in the tadm environment using the tadm set tadm::savehist true command.

  • tadm::file: This is set to true if you are executing the tadm commands in file mode.

  • tadm::tokenize: If set to true, tadm parses the log files in a TCL friendly format.

  • tadm::log_date_format: Use this variable to define the date format in the log files. The default format is MM/dd/yyyy:HH:mm:ss.

  • tadm::date_format: Use this variable to define a date format in which a user can enter a date. The default value is the date format of the current locale.

  • tadm::property_separator: Use this variable to define the property separators. The default value is the equal sign (=). (for example, tadm> set tadm::property_separator :).

  • tadm::field_separator: Use this variable to define the field or column separator. The default value is a blank space ( ). (for example, tadm> set tadm::field_separator |).

  • tadm::field_format: Use this variable to define the display format of a field or column. Default value: %-15s. (for example, tadm> set tadm::field_format %-15s|).

Common Options

The term Common Options is used in this document, and in the CLI man pages, to represent the following options:

  • Options such as --user, --port, and --host, which are required to connect to the administration server. These options need not be specified in the shell mode.

  • Options such as --echo and --verbose, which are common across several commands.

The following is the full list of common options.


Specify the user name of the authorized Oracle® Traffic Director administrator.


The --user|-u option is not mandatory for the following CLI commands:

  • configure-server

  • unconfigure-server

  • start-snmp-subagent

  • stop-snmp-subagent

The --user|-u option is not required while executing the reset-admin-password command.

  • When you use the configure-server command to create the administration server, --user|-u option specifies the log-in name for the administration server. It defaults to admin while configuring the administration server.

  • When you use the configure-server command to create an administration node, --user|-u option specifies the log-in name that should be used to connect to the administration server. This is a mandatory option while configuring the administration node.


Specify the name and the location of the password file. The password file contains the password to authenticate administrators to the administration server. Apart from the administration password, you can also specify other passwords such as bind-password, user-password, and token-pin. If you do not specify this option, you will be prompted for a password when you execute the command. You will also be prompted for password(s) if the required password(s) are not mentioned in the password file you specified.

A sample password file is as follows:



tadm_<token_name> is applicable only for the start-instance command. You can use tadm_<token_name> to set multiple token pins to start instances on multiple nodes.

For example, a default token named internal is configured for any instance. The entry for the default token in the password-file will be tadm_internal=88888888.


Specify the name of the computer on which the administration server is running. The default host is localhost.


This option is required only if you are connecting to the administration server remotely. The --host|-h option is not required while executing the reset-admin-password command.


Specify the SSL port number of the administration server. The default port is 8989.


The --port|-p option is not required while executing the reset-admin-password command.

  • If you are creating the administration server using the configure-server command, --port|-p option specifies the SSL port on which the administration server should listen.

  • If you are creating an administration node using the configure-server command, --port|-p option specifies the SSL port of the remote administration server with which the administration node should be registered.


Specify this option to use a plain text connection to communicate with the administration server. The default connection is SSL.


Specify the name of the rcfile that must be loaded when you start tadm. The default file is ~/.tadmrc. The .tadmrc file is a TCL file that is loaded before any command is executed. You can use the long options as variables by changing the hyphen (-) in the option name to underscore (_) and prefixing it with tadm. For example:

  • --config can be set as set tadm_config config1

  • --key-type can be set as set tadm_key_type ecc

A sample rcfile is as follows:

set tadm_config sampleconfig
set tadm_password mypassword
set tadm_nodehost

Specify this option to print this command on the standard output before executing. This option also prints the default value for all the non-mandatory options that you do not provide in the command.


If you specify this option, tadm will not prompt you for passwords while executing this command. Use this option if you have defined all passwords in a password file and specified the file using the --password-file option.


Specify this option to display a verbose output.


Specify the name of the commands file which contains the list of tadm commands. For more information about commands file, see the description of the file mode.

Exit Codes

The following exit codes are returned:

  • 0 – command executed successfully

  • 1 to 4 – connection failure errors

  • 10 to 22 – parsing errors

  • 33 to 43 – input/output errors

  • 44 to 56 – general errors; for example, invalid configuration value

  • 76 to 96 – generic back-end errors

  • 110 to 123 – errors that are specific to Mbeans

  • 125 and above – unknown errors