About database connections and JDBC data sources

Studio users can import data from an external JDBC database and access it from Studio as a data set in the Catalog.

A default installation of Big Data Discovery includes JDBC drivers to support the following relational database management systems:
  • Oracle 11g and 12c
  • MySQL

To set up this feature, there are both Studio administrator tasks and Studio user tasks.

A Studio administrator goes to the Data Source Library page and creates a connection to a database and creates any number of data sources, each with unique log in information, that share that database connection. The administrator configures each new data source with log in information to restrict who is able to create data sets from it. Data sources are not available to Studio users until an administrator sets them up.

Next, a Studio user clicks Create a data set from a database to import and filter the JDBC data source. After upload, the data source is available as a data set in the Catalog.