About the metrics log file

Studio captures metrics logging, including all log entries from the com.endeca.portal.instrumentation classes.

The metrics log files are:
  • bdd-studio-metrics.log, which is in Log4j format.
  • bdd-studio-metrics-odl.log, which is in ODL format.

Both metrics log files are created in the same directory as bdd-studio.log.

The metrics log file contains the following columns:
Column Name Description
Total duration (msec) The total time for this entry (End time minus Start time).
Start time (msec since epoch) The time when this entry started.

For Dgraph Gateway queries and server executions, uses the server's clock.

For client executions, uses the client's clock.

End time (msec since epoch) The time when this entry was finished.

For Dgraph Gateway queries and server executions, uses the server's clock.

For client executions, uses the client's clock.

Session ID The session ID for the client.
Page ID If client instrumentation is enabled, the number of full page refreshes or actions the user has performed. Used to help determine how long it takes to load a complete page.

Some actions that do not affect the overall state of a page, such as displaying attributes on the Available Refinements panel, do not increment this counter.

Gesture ID The full count of requests to the server.
Portlet ID This is the ID associated with an individual instance of a component.
It generally includes:
  • The type of component
  • A unique identifier

For example, if a page includes two Chart components, the ID can be used to differentiate them.

Entry Type The type of entry. For example:
  • PORTLET_RENDER - Server execution in response to a full refresh of a component
  • DISCOVERY_SERVICE_QUERY - Dgraph Gateway query
  • CONFIG_SERVICE_QUERY - Configuration service query
  • SCONFIG_SERVICE_QUERY - Semantic configuration service query
  • LQL_PARSER_SERVICE_QUERY - EQL parser service query
  • CLIENT - Client side JavaScript execution
  • PORTLET_RESOURCE - Server side request for resources
  • PORTLET_ACTION - Server side request for an action
Miscellaneous A URL encoded JSON object containing miscellaneous information about the entry.