About the Log4j configuration XML files

The primary log configuration is managed in portal-log4j.xml, which is packed inside the portal application file WEB-INF/lib/portal-impl.jar.

The file is in the standard Log4j XML configuration format, and allows you to:
  • Create and modify appenders
  • Bind appenders to loggers
  • Adjust the log verbosity of different classes/packages
By default, portal-log4j.xml specifies a log verbosity of INFO for the following packages:
  • com.endeca
  • com.endeca.portal.metadata
  • com.endeca.portal.instrumentation

It does not override any of the default log verbosity settings for other components.


If you adjust the logging verbosity, it is updated for both Log4j and the Java Utility Logging Implementation (JULI). Code using either of these loggers should respect this configuration.