Studio settings in BDDCS

In BDD Cloud Service, you can edit these Studio settings. The other settings, even though visible, should not be modified.

Setting Description
df.clientLogging Sets the logging level for messages logged on the Studio client side. Valid values are ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL and OFF. Messages are logged at the set level or above.
df.countApproxEnabled Specifies a Boolean value to indicate that components perform approximate record counts rather than precise record counts. A value of true indicates that Studio display approximate record counts using the COUNT_APPROX aggregation in an EQL query. A value of false indicates precise record counts using the COUNT aggregation. Setting this to true increases the performance of refinement queries in Studio. The default value is false.
df.defaultCurrencyList A comma-separated list of currency symbols to add to the ones currently available.
df.stringTruncationLimit The maximum number of characters to display for a string value. You can override this value when configuring the display of a string value in an individual component. The default number is 10000 characters.