Dgraph log levels

This topic describes the Dgraph log levels.

The Dgraph uses Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) for logging. The Dgraph loggers are configured with the amount and type of information written to log files, by specifying the log level. When you specify the log level, the logger returns all messages of that type, as well as the messages that have a higher severity. For example, if you set the log level to WARNING, the logger also returns INCIDENT_ERROR and ERROR messages.

The following table lists the Dgraph log levels and their descriptions.
Dgraph log level Description
INCIDENT_ERROR A serious problem that may be caused by a bug in the product and that should be reported to Oracle Support. \
ERROR A serious problem that requires immediate attention from the administrator and is not caused by a bug in the product.
WARNING A potential problem that should be reviewed by the administrator.
NOTIFICATION A major lifecycle event such as the activation or deactivation of a primary sub-component or feature.
NOTIFICATION:16 A finer level of granularity for reporting normal events.
TRACE Trace or debug information for events that are meaningful to administrators, such as public API entry or exit points.
TRACE:16 Detailed trace or debug information that can help Oracle Support diagnose problems with a particular subsystem.
TRACE:32 Very detailed trace or debug information that can help Oracle Support diagnose problems with a particular subsystem.
The INCIDENT_ERROR, ERROR, WARNING, and NOTIFICATION levels have no performance impact. The performance impact on the other levels are as follows:
  • NOTIFICATION:16: Minimal performance impact.
  • TRACE: Small performance impact. You can enable this level occasionally on a production environment to debug problems.
  • TRACE:16: High performance impact. This level should not be enabled on a production environment, except on special situations to debug problems.
  • TRACE:32: Very high performance impact. This level should not be enabled in a production environment. It is intended to be used to debug the product on a test or development environment.