Configuring the project type

The project type determines whether the project is visible to users on the Catalog.

The project types are:

Project Type Description
  • The project Creator and Studio Administrators are the only users with access
  • The All Big Data Discovery users group is set to No Access

Projects are Private by default. Access must be granted by the Creator or by a Studio Administrator.

  • The All Big Data Discovery users group is set to Project Restricted Users

Public projects grant view access to Studio users.

Shared The project has been modified in any of the following ways:
  • Users other than the Creator are added to the project
  • User Groups other than All Big Data Discovery admins and All Big Data Discovery users are added to the project
  • The All Big Data Discovery users group is set to Project Authors

Projects are set to Shared to indicate changes from the default Public or Private permissions.

If you change the project type, then the page visibility type for all of the project pages changes to match the project type.

To change the project type for a project:

  1. In the Studio header, click the Configuration Options icon and select Control Panel.
  2. Select User Settings > Projects
  3. Click the Actions link for the project, then select Edit
  4. From the Type drop-down list, select the appropriate project type.
    You cannot explicitly select Shared as a project type. Instead, it is assigned if the default permissions have been modified.
  5. Click Save.