4 Running a Studio Health Check

You check the health and basic functionality of Studio by running a health check URL in a Web browser. This operation is typically only run after major changes to the BDD set up such as upgrading and patching.

You do not need machine access or command line access to run the health check URL. This is especially useful if you do not have machine access and therefore access to a command prompt to run bdd-admin.

The health check URL provides a more complete Studio check than running the bdd-admin status command. The bdd-admin command pings the Studio instance to see whether it is running or not. Whereas, the health check URL does the following:
  • Checks that the Studio database is accessible.
  • Uploads a file to HDFS.
  • Creates a Hive table from that file.
  • Ingests a data set from that Hive table.
  • Queries the data set to ensure it returns results.

To run a Studio health check:

  1. Start a web browser and type the following health check URL:

    http://<Studio Host Name>:<Studio port>/bdd/health.

    For example: http://abcd01.us.oracle.com:7003/bdd/health.
  2. Optionally, check the Notifications panel to watch the progress of the check if you are signed into Studio.

The check should return 200 OK to the browser if the health check succeeds.