Configuring the password policy

The password policy sets the requirements for creating and setting Studio passwords. These options do not apply to Studio passwords managed by an LDAP system.

To configure the password policy:

  1. Select Configuration Options > User Settings > Password Policies.

    The Password Policies page displays.

    Password Policies page
  2. Under Options Syntax Checking to enable syntax checking (enforcing password requirements), select Syntax Checking Enabled.

    If the box is not selected, then there are no restrictions on the password format.

  3. If syntax checking is enabled, then:
    1. To allow passwords to include words from the dictionary, select the Allow Dictionary Words check box.

      If the box is not selected, then passwords cannot include words.

    2. In the Minimum Length field, type the minimum length of a password.
  4. To prevent users from using a recent previous password:
    1. Under Security, select the History Enabled check box.
      Security section of the Password Policies page with password history and security enabled.
    2. From the History Count list, select the number of previous passwords to save and prevent the user from using.

      For example, if you select 6, then users cannot use their last 6 passwords.

  5. To enable password expiration:
    1. Select the Expiration Enabled check box.

      You should not enable expiration if users cannot change their passwords in Big Data Discovery.

    2. From the Maximum Age list, select the amount of time before a password expires.
    3. From the Warning Time list, select the amount of time before the expiration to begin displaying warnings to the user.
    4. In the Grace Limit field, type the number of times a user can log in using an expired password.
  6. Click Save.