Browsing data sets and projects

From the Catalog, you can sort displayed items and get additional information about each project and data set.

Icons used on the Catalog tiles

Each tile uses icons to provide additional information about the project or data set.

Diagram showing Catalog tiles with labels explaining the meaning of the icons

These icons include:

Icon Definition

Icon displayed for items created within the past week
Indicates an item that was created within the last week.

Catalog icon used to indicate that an item was created by the current user
Indicates an item that you created (the currently logged in user).

Catalog icon used to indicate that an item contains date/time values
Indicates a data set that includes date/time values.

Catalog icon used to indicate that an item includes geographic data
Indicates a data set that includes geocode values.

Displaying a preview of a data set

The Preview link for each data set displays a small sample (the first 15 records and 50 attributes) of the data set.

Displaying details for a data set or project

Clicking the tile displays a panel with additional details about an item, including:
  • Description, if available
  • Tags
  • Types of attributes in a data set, or in data sets used in the selected project
  • Who created it and when
  • Available actions
  • Number of views
  • When it was last updated
  • For projects:
    • Data sets used in the project
    • Pages in the project
    • Number of snapshots and bookmarks
  • For data sets:
    • Data source
    • Origin system name and type
    • Data set permissions
    • Projects where the data set is used
    • Other data sets used in the same projects as this data set

You can use the paging icons at the left and right to page through the details panels for the previous or next data set or project.

In addition to accessing the details from the tile, you can also display a subset of the details by clicking the Show Data Set Properties icon in the Explore or Transform screens.