Selecting the data to explore

You can explore a data set from the Catalog or from within a project.

Selecting a data set to explore

To explore a data set, click a data set name in the Data Sets tab of the Catalog.

To explore a project data set, click the data set tab from the data sets view of a project.

Explore header information and links

At the top of Explore is a summary of the data. For example:
This image shows the header information for a data set displayed on the Explore page.

This summary includes:
  • The number of records in the data set sample. Or if this number is less than 1,000,000 this is the number of records in the full data set.
  • An option to switch between Precise mode and Approximate mode. This option displays only in data sets that are larger than the sample size. By default, this is 1,000,000 records. Precise mode provides a precise calculation for sum operations performed against the data sample. Approximate mode provides an approximation for sum operations across the full data set.
  • The number of records in the entire data set
  • The number of records in the sample that match the current filters (the Filtered Records value).
  • The number of attributes in the data set
  • A Filter Attributes drop down to locate attributes by name, data type, and by whether they are marked as hidden or favorite.
  • A Sort control to sort attributes.
The page header can also contains links to:
  • Show/Hide the Scratchpad
  • Show/Hide data set properties