Overview of transforming an attribute

All transforms follow the same basic work flow.

The high-level process:
  1. You select the transformation that you want to apply to an attribute. If the transformation does not require any configuration, then it is added immediately to the transformation script. If the transformation does require configuration, then a Transform Editor displays so you can provide the transformation-specific configuration.
  2. Determine the target attribute for the transformed values. Some transformations require that you use the transformation to create a new attribute. In this case, in the New Attribute Name field, type the name for the new attribute.
    Other transformations allow you to choose whether to create a new attribute or use the transformed values to overwrite the current attribute.
    • The default option is to create a new attribute.
    • To overwrite the current attribute, click Apply to existing attribute.
  3. To display the effect of the transformation on the Transform data grid, click Preview.
  4. To add the transformation to the transformation script, click Add to Script.