About predefined metrics

Predefined metrics are values calculated from view attributes. For example, if the attributes for a view include product price and cost information, you could calculate predefined metrics such as the ratio of retail price to cost.

Predefined metrics are optional. By default, views do not have predefined metrics. They are always added manually.

Predefined metrics should only be used for calculated values that are only meaningful within the context of the view, and that stand on their own as values. When configuring a component, you can assign simple aggregations such as sum or average to any attribute, so you don't need to create those as predefined metrics. Predefined metrics are more appropriate for more complex values such as ratios.

On the Views page, the Metrics section, which lists the predefined metrics, displays below the view attribute list. By default, the section is collapsed. To expand the section, click the section heading.

Predefined Metrics list for a view