Set functions

Set functions perform various functions on values for multi-assign attributes, such as obtaining the size of the set, checking whether a set is empty, or converting an attribute from a multi-value to a single-value attribute.

This table describes the Set functions that Transform supports. The same functions are described in the Transform API Reference (Groovydoc).

User Function Return Data Type Description
cardinality(Object attribute) Long Inputs the set of values in a multi-assign attribute and obtains the size of that set.

Works only on multi-value (multi-assign) attributes. Throws an exception if run on a single-assign attribute.

isEmpty(Object attribute) Boolean Inputs the set of values in a multi-assign attribute and checks whether this set is empty (has no assignments). Returns true if the set is empty.

Works only on multi-value (multi-assign) attributes. Throws an exception if run on a single-assign attribute.

isMemberOf(Object attribute, Object value) Boolean Checks whether the value belongs to the set of values in a multi-assign attribute. Returns true if the value belongs to the set.

Works only on multi-value (multi-assign) attributes. Throws an exception if run on a single-assign attribute.

isNull(Object attribute) Boolean Determines whether an attribute has any assigned values. Returns true if the attribute is null (has no assigned values). Works on both multi-assign and single-assign attributes.
isSet(Object attribute) Boolean Checks if an attribute is a multi-assign attribute. Returns true if yes.

Works only on multi-value (multi-assign) attributes. Throws an exception if run on a single-assign attribute.

toSet(Object... attributes) Object[] Converts an Object argument list to an Object array.

Works only on multi-value (multi-assign) attributes. Throws an exception if run on a single-assign attribute.

toSingle(Object attribute) Object Converts a multi-value attribute into a single-value attribute. Returns a single value chosen randomly from a set of values for the attribute.

Works only on multi-value (multi-assign) attributes. Throws an exception if run on a single-assign attribute.