URL functions

The URL functions return parts of a specific URL, such as the host name used in the URL.

This table describes the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) functions that Transform supports.

User Function Return Data Type Description
getURLAuthority(String url) String Returns the authority part of the URL as a single-assign string attribute. The authority part comprises an optional user-information part, a host name (e.g., domain name or IP address), and an optional port number.
getURLHost(String url) String Returns the host name in the URL as a single-assign string attribute.
getURLPath(String url) String Returns the path in the URL as a single-assign string attribute. The path begins with a single forward slash, not a double forward slash. Returns null if the URL does not contain a single forward slash.
getURLPort(String url) Long Returns the port number of the URL as a single-assign Long attribute. Returns -1 if the URL does not contain a port number.
getURLProtocol(String url) String Returns the protocol name of the URL as a single-assign string attribute. Protocol examples are http, https, and ftp. Returns null if the URL does not contain a valid protocol.
getURLQuery(String url) String Returns the query part of the URL as a single-assign string attribute. The query part is an optional part, separated by a question mark ("?"), that contains additional identification information that is not hierarchical in nature. Returns null if the URL does not contain a query part.
getURLRef(String url) String Returns the reference (ref) part of the URL as a single-assign string attribute. The reference part (also called a fragment) is indicated by a sharp-sign (#) followed by more characters. Returns null if the URL does not contain a reference part.
getURLUserInfo(String url) String Returns the user-information part of the URL as a single-assign string attribute. The user-information part is terminated with an at-sign (@). Returns null if the URL does not contain a user-information part.

Example 20-16 URL function examples

getURLAuthority example:
returns jjones:hello@www.example.com:1080 as a single-assign string attribute.
getURLHost example:
returns www.example.com as a single-assign string attribute.
getURLPath example:
returns /docs/resource1.html as a single-assign string attribute.
getURLPort example:
returns 1080 as a single-assign long attribute.
getURLProtocol example:
returns http as a single-assign string attribute.
getURLQuery example:
returns ID=10248 as a single-assign string attribute.
getURLRef example:
returns introduction as a single-assign string attribute.
getURLUserInfo example:
returns jjones:hello as a single-assign string attribute.