Creating a data set link

You create a link between two data sets by setting one or more corresponding attributes from each as the link key. You can do this from either the Data Set Manager or the Data Set Relationships tab of the data set details footer panel.

To create a data set link:

  1. Open either the Data Set Manager or the Data Set Relationships panel:
    • To open the Data Set Manager, click Project Settings, then select Data Set Manager.
    • To open the Data Set Relationships panel, click the data set details icon in the footer, then select the Data Set Relationships tab.
    A diagram of the data sets in your project displays.
  2. In the diagram, click one of the data sets to select it.
    A handle appears below the selected data set.

    The data set diagram with one of the data sets selected.

  3. Click and drag the handle to the data set you want to link to and release the mouse when the second data set becomes highlighted in green.

    The data set diagram with the data set being linked to highlighted in green.

    The Edit Link dialog opens.

    The Edit link dialog.

  4. Verify that the Enable link check box is selected.
    Deselecting this disables the link.
  5. Add at least one attribute pair:
    1. Click Select attribute pair.
    2. In the attribute pair selection dialog, select an attribute from each data set.
      When you select an attribute from one list, the other is automatically filtered for attributes of the same data type.

      The attribute selection dialog with a pair of attributes selected.

    3. Click Apply.
    The Edit link dialog is updated with the selected attribute pair.

    The Edit link dialog displaying the selected pair of attributes.

  6. Click Save.
    The diagram displays the two linked data sets with the link key between them.

    The linked data sets with the link key displayed between them.