Emailing the entire snapshot list

The Actions menu on the snapshots panel includes an option to email the entire list of snapshots. This feature saves the images to a single PDF file and emails the file.

Note that in order to be able to send snapshots by email, you must configure the outbound email server for Studio. For information on how to configure the outbound email server, see the Administrator's Guide.


Emailing snapshots is not supported by Big Data Discovery Cloud Service. The feature is supported by Big Data Discovery.

To email entire set of snapshots:

  1. In the Actions menu, click Email All.
  2. On the email dialog, in the To field, type the email address of the recipient.

    To add a field for an additional recipient, click +.

  3. In the Subject field, type the subject line for the email.
  4. In the Message field, type the text of the email.
  5. Click Send.

    The snapshots are sent in a PDF file attached to the email.