Creating a snapshot gallery

You can create snapshot galleries to group a related set of snapshots. For example, you can put together a "slide show" of screen shots showing a series of refinement states.

From the snapshots panel, to create a new snapshot gallery:

  1. On the snapshots panel, click New Gallery.

    The new gallery dialog displays.

    Top half of the new gallery dialog, showing the name field and list of snapshots
  2. In the name field, type the name of the new gallery.
  3. In the list of snapshots, click each snapshot you want to add to the new gallery.

    To deselect a snapshot, click it again.

  4. To save the new gallery, click Save.

    The gallery panel for the new gallery displays.

    The first snapshot is selected and displays at the top of the panel.

    At the bottom of the panel is the full list of snapshots in the gallery.

    Gallery details dialog