Setting the displayed date unit and date range for the metric timelines

On the Timeline component, you can use the Master Timeline to refine the project data based on a specific date/time range, or refine by a date value on a metric timeline. You can also change the date unit to use on the horizontal axis for the charts.

Master timeline on the Timeline component

Note that if date/time refinements have already been applied, then those values are displayed above the Master Timeline.

To change the displayed date subset and date unit for the metric timelines:

  1. Available date units (Year, Month, Day, etc) are listed above the Master Timeline. To display a different date unit, click it.

    You can only use date units that are available for all of the selected date/time attributes. If one date/time attribute supports Year, Month, and Day, but another only supports Year and Day, you can only select from Year and Day.

  2. To use the Master Timeline to refine the data:
    1. Select the date/time range.

      To do this, use the sliders or the date picker widget.

      For each metric timeline, the Timeline component displays the preview of the number of records that match the new unit selection.
      Metric timeline label showing the number of records for both the current refinement and the selected date range

    2. Click Apply Refinement.

    The date range refinements are added to the Selected Refinements panel.

    The metric timelines are updated to show the selected date range, and the number of records for each metric timeline is also updated.

  3. To refine by a date value on a metric timeline, double-click the point on the metric timeline.

    The value for that point is added as a refinement for the date attribute displayed on that timeline.