Supported data types

This topic describes the format of data types supported by EQL.

EQL data type Description
mdex:boolean Represents a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE). Used for atomic values (from single-assign Boolean attributes).
mdex:boolean-set Represents a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE). Used for sets (from multi-assign Boolean attributes).
mdex:dateTime Represents a date and time to a resolution of milliseconds. Used for atomic values (from single-assign dateTime attributes).
mdex:dateTime-set Represents a date and time to a resolution of milliseconds. Used for sets (from multi-assign dateTime attributes).
mdex:double Represents a floating point number. Used for atomic values (from single-assign double attributes).
mdex:double-set Represents a floating point number. Used for sets (from multi-assign double attributes).
mdex:duration Represents a length of time with a resolution of milliseconds. Used for atomic values (from single-assign duration attributes).
mdex:duration-set Represents a length of time with a resolution of milliseconds. Used for sets (from multi-assign duration attributes).
mdex:geocode Represents a latitude and longitude pair. Used for atomic values (from single-assign geocode attributes).
mdex:geocode-set Represents a latitude and longitude pair. Used for sets (from multi-assign geocode attributes).
mdex:long Represents a 64-bit integer. Used for atomic values (from single-assign 32-bit integer attributes and single-assign 64-bit long attributes).

Note that while Dgraph records support both 32-bit integers (mdex:int data type) and 64-bit integers (mdex:long data type), EQL only supports 64-bit integers (i.e., mdex:long data type). This means that if you query an attribute that has a 32-bit integer value, it will appear as a long (64-bit value) in EQL results.

mdex:long-set Represents a 64-bit integer. Used for sets (from multi-assign 32-bit integer attributes multi-assign and 64-bit long attributes). See note for mdex:long data type.
mdex:string Represents character strings. Used for atomic values (from single-assign string attributes).
mdex:string-set Represents character strings. Used for sets (from multi-assign string attributes).
mdex:time Represents the time of day to a resolution of milliseconds. Used for atomic values (from single-assign time attributes).
mdex:time-set Represents the time of day to a resolution of milliseconds. Used for sets (from multi-assign time attributes).