Numeric functions

EQL supports the following numeric functions.

Function Description
addition The addition operator (+).
SELECT NortheastSales + SoutheastSales AS EastTotalSales
subtraction The subtraction operator (-).
SELECT SalesRevenue - TotalCosts AS Profit
multiplication The multiplication operator (*).
SELECT Price * 0.7 AS SalePrice
division The division operator (/).
SELECT YearTotal / 4 AS QuarterAvg
ABS Returns the absolute value of n.

If n is 0 or a positive integer, returns n. Otherwise, n is multiplied by -1.


RESULT: one = 1

CEIL Returns the smallest integer value not less than n.
SELECT CEIL(123.45) AS x, CEIL(32) AS y, CEIL(-123.45) AS z

RESULT: x = 124, y = 32, z = -123

EXP Exponentiation, where the base is e.

Returns the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power n.

SELECT EXP(1.0) AS baseE

RESULT: baseE = e^1.0 = 2.71828182845905

FLOOR Returns the largest integer value not greater than n.
SELECT FLOOR(123.45) AS x, FLOOR(32) AS y, FLOOR(-123.45) AS z

RESULT: x = 123, y = 32, z = -124

LN Natural logarithm. Computes the logarithm of its single argument, the base of which is e.
SELECT LN(1.0) AS baseE

RESULT: baseE = e^1.0 = 0

LOG Logarithm. log(n, m) takes two arguments, where n is the base, and m is the value you are taking the logarithm of.
Log(10,1000) = 3
MOD Modulo. Returns the remainder of n divided by m.
Mod(10,3) = 1

EQL uses the fmod floating point remainder, as defined in the C/POSIX standard.

ROUND Returns a number rounded to the specified decimal place.
The unary (one argument) version takes only one argument (the number to be rounded) and drops the decimal (non-integral) portion of the input. For example:
ROUND(8.2) returns 8
ROUND(8.7) returns 9
The binary (two argument) version takes two arguments (the number to be rounded and a positive or negative integer that allows you to set the number of spaces at which the number is rounded). The binary version always returns a double:
  • Positive second arguments correspond to the number of places that must be returned after the decimal point. For example:
    ROUND(123.4567, 3) returns 123.457
  • Negative second arguments correspond to the number of places that must be returned before the decimal point. For example:
    ROUND(123.4, -3) returns 0
    ROUND(1234.56, -3) returns 1000
SIGN Returns the sign of the argument as -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether n is negative, zero, or positive. The result is always a double.
SELECT SIGN(-12) AS x, SIGN(0) AS y, SIGN(12) AS z

RESULT: x = -1, y = 0, z = 1

SQRT Returns the nonnegative square root of n as an mdex:double type.

RESULT: x = 3

TRUNC Returns the number n truncated to m decimal places. If m is 0, the result has no decimal point or fractional part.
The unary (one argument) version drops the decimal (non-integral) portion of the input. For example:
SELECT TRUNC(3.14159265) AS x
RESULT: x = 3

The binary (two argument) version allows you to set the number of spaces at which the number is truncated. The binary version always returns a double. For example:

SELECT TRUNC(3.14159265, 3) AS y
RESULT: y = 3.141
SIN The sine of n, where the angle of n is in radians.
SIN(3.14159/6) = 0.499999616987256
COS The cosine of n, where the angle of n is in radians.
COS(3.14159/3) = 0.500000766025195
TAN The tangent of n, where the angle of n is in radians.
TAN(3.14159/4) = 0.999998673205984
POWER Returns the value (as a double) of n raised to the power of m.
Power(2,8) = 256
TO_DURATION Casts a string representation of a timestamp into a number of milliseconds so that it can be used as a duration.
TO_DOUBLE Casts a string representation of an integer as a double.
TO_INTEGER(boolean) Casts TRUE/FALSE to 1/0.