Character handling

EQL accepts all Unicode characters.

<Literal> ::= <StringLiteral> | <NumericLiteral>
Literal type Handling
String literals String literals must be surrounded by single quotation marks.
Embedded single quotes and backslashes must be escaped by backslashes. Examples:
'àlêx\'s house'
Numeric literals Numeric literals can be integers or floating point numbers.

Numeric literals cannot be surrounded by single quotation marks.

Numeric literals do not support exponential notation.
Boolean literal


Boolean literals cannot be surrounded by single quotation marks.

Literals of structured types (such as Date, Time, or Geocode)
Literals of structured types must use appropriate conversions, as shown in the following example:
SELECT  TO_GEOCODE(45.0, 37.0) AS Geocode,
        TO_DATETIME('2016-07-21T08:22:00Z') AS Timestamp

Identifiers must be NCNames. The NCName format is defined in the W3C document Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Second Edition), located at this URL:

An identifier must be enclosed in double quotation marks if:
  • The identifier contains characters other than letters, digits, and underscores. For example, if an attribute name contains a hyphen (which is a valid NCName), then the attribute name must be enclosed in double quotation marks in statements. Otherwise, the hyphen will be treated as the subtraction operator by the EQL parser.
  • The identifier starts with a digit.
  • The identifier uses the same name as an EQL reserved keyword. For example, if an attribute is named WHERE or GROUP, then it must be specified as "WHERE" or "GROUP".

If an identifier is in quotation marks, then you must use a backslash to escape double quotation marks and backslashes.
